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RE: Theories Of Personality: Introduction (Part1)

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I like Muslow's work (being an OT) but think it is both. I agree with the concept of the humanist approach and am of the free will mind set, but also we are massively conditioned but our past experience. One of these factor is our schooling and the media we are exposed to at a young (all really) age.

Also with every individual being different some are more susceptible to conditioning where as others are not but equally this conditioning can be reversed. There is also the element of being able to unconditioning people ourselves through learning.

I am also of the opinion the our genes are part of our parents so some of there conditioning is also thrown into the mix and of past generations ect. Hence things like fight or flight!

Its a mine field.💯🐒💯🐒