one thing I've also noticed from some farming friends (who are psychologically well otherwise) is that there is no "off"time.
We leave our desk jobs, and go home, even if we have our laptops with us, and can be reached through our cellphones.
Even many people who are selfemployed, like shopkeepers etc, have closing hours, and a day or two days of rest in a week, but in farming (I'm talking lifestock here, not crops) goes on perpetually. There's no holiday, and the cows need to be milked at 6AM, regardless of the fact it's January 1st, Cows will calve at 2AM necessitating you to get out of bed,...
It's a continuous treadmill which lends itself to create burnouts.
They should leave the animals alone. We can feed more people, and be healthier, with plants. Then they would have more free time. The whole animal-ag is supplemented with tax payer money too in order to sustain an unsustainable model.
Agreed. "Control the food supply, control the population." GMO's, chemtrails, pollutants,and chemicals where does it end. Grow your own............
Yup, for those who can, that's a good way to reduce costs and be healthier.