The Mind Is A Thought Generator

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever laid in bed, and your mind won't stop? The mind goes and goes, and never stops. We can lose peace when we can't stop thinking. But are we suppose to think all the time. I say NO!


The mind goes and goes because it is a thought generator. It's purpose is to generate thought. It is use to analyze and imagine, but when it goes rogue it can ruin our lives. We are suppose to be in charge of our own mind, but sometimes we are slaves to the mind. What is the solution?

Well first there is awareness. We first become aware that we are not our mind. The old saying goes..."As you think, so are you." Bullshit! I am not my mind. I'll prove it. Lets say that I played the lottery, and I look at the numbers. The numbers line up with the numbers on the TV, or Newspaper. I have a thought..."I won the lottery!" Why the exlcamation point? Because of the emotion that is attatched to the thought..."I'm a winner."

So, now I'm very excited...I go down to the lotto office and give them my winning ticket. The woman says, "I'm sorry, this ticket is not a winner." What....I was looking at a different lottery than the lottery that I played. I got the numbers, but they were numbers from a different lottery! Can you imagine the thought....and then the emotion? One day the thought, "I won the lottery," and the next day, "Your a loser!" But are you the same person? Yes. The difference is the "feeling". The emotion changed from one day to the next because of a thought...two different thoughts, but the same person.

You see our minds can change from one moment, or day, to the next. And with those thoughts come energy...emotion. When we are feeling bad, it is our thought life. Change your thinking and change your emotions.

Emotions are energy. They are expressed in the body. They can make your body do things that you can't your heart beat. If your sitting in your house alone, you can imagine there is a ghost in the house, and your emotions will change. Fear - an emotion. Or imagine there is an angel in the house, protecting you. emotion. Or imagine...oh well you get the idea.

Now, what happens when there is no thought. Well, it is possible. Watch your thoughts...practice this. You will become aware of what you are thinking about. Who is aware of the thoughts in your mind? Is it your mind? Does your mind know what it is thinking? No...the mind is not aware...You are...I am. This awareness is the being...the spirit...the conciousness..however you choose to put a label on it.

We can create a distance between who we are and our mind. I'll give you an example. Lets say you know some thing as absolutely true. And someone comes along and tries to get you going...they want to jerk your chain, they want to bust your balls. They say something like, "He you know your going to get laid off from work." But you just came from lunch with your boss, and he told you that you are going to be promoted." Well the thought is not is a lye. You know that the guy is just busting your balls. So, the thought does not enter your mind. You are aware of the thought, but you are still thinking that you are going to get a raise, and this jerk is going to get laid off. So, you smile because the thoughts that you are thinking. Good thoughts...good emotions.

So, when a thought comes, we don't react to the thought. We evaluate the thought...we create distance between the thought and who we are. Then the thought dies down and eventually goes away. But if we accept the thought, and we give it our grows. It gets stronger. But if we ignore it, it goes attention.

So, don't give attention to the thoughts. Create distance between you and your thoughts...and the mind will calm down and you can have peace of mind...No thoughts.

Have a good night!


You're right, the feelings make the mood change from one day to the next. I liked the moral that you said in the sentence when you say that you won the lottery and it turns out that it is from another lottery ... if it happened to me at that moment I was bothered by the bad news, but the other day I laughed at what what happened.

Thank you for reading...100% upvote. Keep thinking positive!

thank you... my friend...

Our emotions are often generated based on the belief bubble of our mind, rather than the external facts of reality

I liked your posts

Thank you. In other words...perception.

I've studied the works of Alan Watts, the man who introduced Zen Buddhism to the west. He said that the fact that you can't control your thoughts --only acknowledging them-- is in fact the demonstration that we are not the mind.

Another interesting, yet somehow terrifying thought experiment Watts used to teach was as follows: suppose you have a craving, an urge to, say, smoke a cigarette. When you recognize that intense craving for a smoke, and then ask yourself this transcendental question:

"Who wants to smoke? "

The answer will come, and it can be either terrifying or aye-opening:

It is not YOU who wants to smoke. It's something else, it's either your body or your mind, but but not YOU.

The real YOU is like a child who stares with awe before a beautiful waterfall without making any value judgment or forming any opinion. That little moment when you feel pure bliss when you hold a baby in your arms, that's the real YOU. Everything else is the mind.

OMG...That was good. I have to keep this in mind...or in "heart." I need to quit smoking! LOL

Your article is the prime example of why we will never be able to truely create an AI that truely mimics us. The complexity of the human brain and how and when the synapses fire still cannot be replicated from a mathematical equation. I find that to aid in proof there is a higher power. As smart as we think we are, we are just as stupid. Seeing people in my line of profession with mental disorders like personality disorder or schizophrenia, is sad due to lack of funding for help, but interesting at the same time. It’s scary to think that our mind can go rogue on us or better yet degrade like with demensia. Why? why that person? I know I tend to get off subject a bit, but ya def got me thinking this morning.

AI is bullshit...hype. Don't believe your lying eyes...reality is not as you think. I've seen a few things in my life that would make an average person go crazy. But it was my spirit that kept me from losing my mind. The spirit is who we are. Next time you get angry, sad, frustrated....even your emotions. Don't take part in them...don't let them control you. Don't tell anyone how you are feeling, or what you are thinking. Just sit with your roomates (emotion and thought) and just watch them...see how they are trying to control manipulate you. Ask...who is in my mind...who entered without my permission to put these thoughts in my mind. Who is energizing the thoughts....? Is it you?

NOPE! It's the serpent who shares a space in your head...if you let him. Call him your roomate if you don't like the idea of a serpent in your head.