You basically just summed up my intro. In my early twenties I united with my peers in basic commonalities, heavily based in social conditioning and propaganda growing up in the Albany, NY. I basically created a living hell for myself. I'm now 34 and have been traveling the world for years. I meet people from all over the planet and I learn from how they are (good or bad). I will never again try to be like someone else just be accepted.
Even yesterday evening in the Cab from Guatemala City to Antigua. I shared the ride with two beautiful 23 year old girls. "We're meeting up with our friends and staying in hostel Tropicana, you should stay with us". I checked it out, basically it was one big drunken mess of a place. I poked my head into one of the dorm rooms "Hey man, good vibes in here dude!" shouts one scuzzy looking guy. I look to my right, sign says "No outside beer allowed"
So instead of getting no sleep and wasting my energy on degenerates sharing a room with eight others of this ilk. I found a nice quiet hotel and enjoyed my peace. I probably could have hooked up with one of these girls as they found me so interesting and intelligent, but I really don't even care about that anymore. They were disappointed when I left; but I don't need this in my life any more. As you can see in my intro, I already had more than I could take for one life time.