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RE: Psychology and biology of HABITS

in #psychology6 years ago

The difference would be dependence. People usually say how habits can be positive or negative while addictions are always considered negative. It all really is about dependence. Habit is a behavior pattern developed by frequent repetition and can be controlled while an addiction is a compulsive need and usually requires professional help in getting over it. Any addiction is wrong, even when people get addicted to healthy things because addiction implies that we are no longer in control. Addictions affect the mental ability and/or memory and cognitive abilities. When a person changes how he acts and creates too much drama, feels threaten or thinks how the world will end if he does not do something then that something is no longer a habit, it has become an addiction. For example, a person can bite her nails and that is considered a bad habit but when a person starts crying and screaming how she "has to, must, needs to" bite her nails and refuses explanation for the opposite, then she is addicted to it. The chemistry of the brain is not the same for habits and addictions. I hope that answered your question, thank you for such a great question! 💚