
A controversial topic and a term many are familiar with, due to that fact that in some countries it is not only recommended, but it is forced upon the population for a term coined as "the greater good." Wikipedia defines vaccination as the...
...Administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to stimulate an individual's immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen. Vaccines can prevent or ameliorate infectious disease. When a sufficiently large percentage of a population has been vaccinated, herd immunity results.

The vaccine is the substance that is injected or inhaled in which Wikipedia defines as "a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease." Some of the diseases that are treated by vaccines include influenza, polio, smallpox, tetanus, and measles for example. Let's take America for example, the home of the free and the vaccinated. Many schools mandate that a child must be vaccinated in order for them to enroll and attend. If you look at the CDC or they will express the urgency and importance of being vaccinated whether you are just born or a senior citizen. Everyone is smiling in their photos, so it can't be that bad, right? Easy as 1-2-3, receive a needle with a solution of some odd substances, and YES, THERE IS A SMILEY STICKER BAND-AID! Now everyone can have ear-to-ear smiles because someone who is practicing medicine said to do it and it's for "the greater good" after all, right?

Well, perhaps that sounded a little bit like sarcasm? No matter what one thinks, there are a plethora of controversies and conspiracy theories shrouding the topic. The question is, is it for good reason with any proof? Let's just think about this for one second...think on the level of "Big Pharma" and corrupt governmental bodies...One correlating factor would be BIG FAT PROFIT, no? Tip number one: always follow the money trail. Please keep that in mind as we venture through this topic.

There are many safety concerns broadcasted everywhere ranging from vaccines containing mercury in the ingredient "thimerosal", to the link to autism. There are numerous claims that someone, including children, was harmed and irreversible damage was caused by vaccines. Many people who receive the flu vaccine end up with influenza, so are they even effective, let alone safe? The thought of depopulation also comes in as a conspiracy theory due from the Georgia Guidestones to other conspiracy theories such as water fluoridation, food modification including GMO's, chemtrails, and other devious plots the "elite" involved in the "New World Order" have erected.

Children alone have an exponential amount of vaccinations now recommended or forced to receive. For an up-to-date version for 2017, you can compare and check out a schedule by the CDC here to verify.

There are a number of scientific papers linking vaccines to neurological damage, such as "alterations to the nervous system, autism, demyelination, seizures, convulsions, epilepsy, brain swelling, and other neurological complications," as cited here. In the beginning of this year, Yale University also found a link between vaccines and brain disorders, especially in children. Here is an older video easier to follow about vaccines, the damage, and what is done about it using a case of autism:
Government attorneys defending a government program using government-science, decided by federal bureaucrats trying to keep their government jobs. Kids like Eric never had a chance.
It seems the government has a lot more to do with this than most realize. For brevity's sake, are you aware what is in most vaccines? Have you read the white paper slips or "FDA inserts" in the box of the vaccine that is being injected into you with all of the "adverse reactions"? That is where the key information is if you want to start understanding some reality. InfoWars has 13 pages of the "FDA inserts" acknowledging a vaccine can cause autism!

So what are in most vaccines?

Check it out for yourself on the CDC's website list.
Now, could there be a government cover-up in all of this? Recall earlier about tracing the money? Natural News made an easy to follow diagram of what usually occurs.

Between the links to neurological disorders and other issues attributed to those who were affected, the actual ingredients in the vaccines, and the big industry of money involved is it really all just a conspiracy theory? Perhaps the greater good is not such a conspiracy following the "500,000,000" capacity after all. Even in The Underground, Jon Rappoport stated back in 2015:
The complete failure of this year’s flu vaccine, even by conventional standards, is a major scandal at the CDC. To distract the press and public, we now have a fake epidemic of measles, and pressure to take the vaccine, take all vaccines all the time. This is called a psyop. Psyops build fake realities.

Remember to do your own due diligence and research thoroughly, because if you don't you will be deceived in any matter of life. Either way, vaccines don't seem to pan out to what they are made out to be by the general public facade because disinformation is continually spread. Remember the next time you get a pamphlet saying you should get your next "xyz" shot, it may be a deeper means that was even tested on the military soldiers to use on civilians because a lot of extra testing occurs there. The rise in the propaganda of disease where vaccinations are the ultimate cure or prevention is rubbish and fearmongering in order for an agenda to be pushed. It looks like there is some proof in that puddin' after all, whether for "the greater good" or just another psychological operation crafted by a shadow government for their own secret benefit. I'll let you be the judge of your own immune system and fate...

I use to refuse shots and stuff once I turned 18, the flu shot . It was just a bad idea to me. I'd never get the flu anyway unless I got the shot. Not very helpful to me with bad asthma.
I don't think I ever had the flu shot, and I really never got the flu..interesting, huh?
Wow! Loads of excellent information here. Truly quality work! Vaccinations have always been that "iffy" subject for me.
I always opted not to get them unless I was "forced" to enroll in college and all, but otherwise, I have been fairly healthy, thank God! I certainly don't want that stuff injected into thanks!
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I always get the flu when I get a flu shot vs not getting the shot which I've not gotten the flu. Colds and stuff yes but not the flu.
I was vaccinated for the measles when I was a kid.... but guess what I had the measles last year.... lifelong protection through vaccination. Yeah right! Though not all vaccines are bad though. I live in Cambodia were vaccines are rare but lots of kids with polio. I just think we should not vaccinate kids and adults for things like the measles, rubella, the flu, or any other disease that is not reducing the quality of life or life-threatening. Where I grew up only Polio is mandatory. Which isn't a bad thing if you see the destruction that this virus is causing here in Cambodia.
A lot of great information here, thank you for sourcing the article so well. I have felt this way for a while, but I don't always have the information to back myself up when someone claims I am 'anti-science'.
Lord RayEl will irradicate all this BS

Nice explanation. I'll be honest, I don't give it too much of a thought. I avoid unnecesary medication all I can, including flu vaccines, for example, but I believe demonizing vaccines in general is shaky ground. In Venezuela, my beloved third-world dictatorship of a country, there's not enough money for vaccines and people have started dying of diseases that had been exterminated thanks to herd immunity.
Unless BIG PHARMA is purposedly releasing the viri and bacteria in third world countries where they can't even make a profit, then I think one has to really analyze both sides.
Still, I applaud anyone not conforming to herd mentality, so to speak! Upvoted!
A very detailed write-up. In the New Kingdom, there will be no need for such dirty remedies. Good luck in the contest!
Wow! Being so well-educated and knowledgeable about all this, you must know of course that Formaldehyde is also produced BY your body IN your body and FOR your body.... right? What? You didn't know what? Yeah, don't really know a hell of a lot do you.