Foto tirada com uma máquina fotográfica Samsung NX1000
(This photo was taken with a Samsung NX1000 camera)
Estava caminhando pelo porto da cidade de Alcobaça (Bahia, Brasil), quando eu vi essa fragata voando em cima do canal que ligava o estuário com o mar.
(I was walking through the harbor of the Alcobaça city (Bahia state, Brazil), when I saw this frigatebird flying over the channel that connected the estuary with the sea)
#photofeed #birding #colourfulphotography #birds #animalphotography #yourluckyphotos #szarastrefa #skyphoto #frigatebird #bahia #brazil #alcobaca #natgeo #birdphoto #birdphotography #nature #naturephotography
@arosebunch @photocontest @yourluckyphotos @photocircle @BirdBanter @birdersofsteem @cleverbot @banjo @violetmed @khandve
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@photocircle TeamI also like art and photography. I have a friend in New York City who is a photographer.
Is the constitution dead 100 miles from us border.