Why You Should Start Investigating PT Flags Today!

in #pt8 years ago

You may be wondering what PT is let alone flags, but I assure you once you are done with this, you will want to start establishing flags and collecting freedom in the process.

My name is Zach. Since I was 16 I realized that freedom and opportunity have been declining in the West and in the US specifically. Year by year civil liberties and freedoms are taken away in the name of safety. When I was 19 I grew tired of it and finally was able to cobbled enough money to take a trip to Panama. At the time I was living at home and I was working a part time job. But I realized there were more opportunities and freedom abroad. With that I bought a plane ticket to Panama for $425 bucks and never looked back. I learned many things, including the fact that many other nations have more opportunity and freedom . With a bit of luck you can escape the sinking ship that is the US with PT theory!

PT theory involves placing aspects of your life in different countries, such as banking in one, enjoyment in one, living quarters in one, business in another, and in some cases romantic interest and digital interests in yet another. While you may not be able to do this yet, this should not deter you from planning. I am still working on finishing college and researching PT spots, but once I finish, you can bet that I will move to Panama, and from there diversify my life. For instance, you can earn $1k-1.5k a month teaching English in Panama. That is as competitive as China, but it requires less education (TESOL and a Bachelor's always set you apart, thus why I am working on mine), is a great place for someone that is single or does not require much space (a decent apartment can be had for $350 a month), street food while not the cheapest I have seen is still fresh and very tasty for the price, transit is dirt cheap, and there is always something to do. This may not fit your lifestyle, but staying in the US will likely not improve it either. That is why you should travel and see what fits.
One objection people may raise is that it is expensive to travel. This is an utter lie. If you spend money like most people on hotels and flights, you can afford a trip abroad. Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico, Belize, and Costa Rica can all be traveled to for under $450, although they may require creative couponing or flexibility on time (cheapoair and Skyscanner are good for nosebleed cost flights). For instance, I got a reservation at a hostel on AirBnb in Panama for $10 with a first time use discount. The best part was I was the only person in the room! There is little excuse for cost to be an issue. Even less so if you are single or not married. Others may say getting time off holds them back. Unless you are working for an employer that is a miser, most decent deals are had 6 months in advance, enough time to ask and plan, in addition most flights are cheapest around the 1 week mark, so you won't miss much work if you do take off.

When you are visiting other countries, the best flags to research are your domicile or any potential business opportunities. But if they don't measure up, don't fret. They may still be good for your time off spot, digital haven, or for other needs. For instance, Panama is good for general banking services, but when it comes to safe boxes and fun place, I would prefer other places (like Colombia for fun). Panama is however good for some one looking to chill and live decently while earning a decent living.

It may seem like you are over complicating your life with this, but you are adapting to the realities around you. People usually don't change unless something major happens, or if the power brokers have anything to gain. At least in the US, neither seems like they are likely to happen. So the next best thing is to find people that respect the freedoms you respect. Overall the Swiss are laid back, however their banking laws have been weakened, in addition to the fact that it is very expensive to live there. Colombia is good for being laid back, gambling, and if you are interested in adult entertainment, as well as labor intensive operations, but for ownership and other business related things it is not the best for that. Canada is a bit better than the US and has cheap land, but it has bouts with bureaucracy. It is all about what you value. But you should start now. You never know when the door may close on an opportunity.


I've actually been looking into this. I am a Medical Dosimetrist in Puerto Rico (which is a US Territory) but my profession doesn't pay as much as in the continental US. I make about 60K a year, and if you know how to play your cards right, that is pretty good money in places like Panama, Costa Rica, or Colombia. I'll follow you to see how you do. Maybe I'll muster up enough courage!

One thing you do have going for you is you are in Puerto Rico. While that does not make much, taxes are lower than the continental US. Like I mentioned in the article I just started realizing things by reading alt-media, and then from there started reading various PT sites and realized this was probably my best option. I am involved in politics, but depending on how that goes I may split time or go full time.

I enjoyed reading your perspective, and just wanted to add some information to it for others if they wish to read on more information provided. http://flagtheory.com/pt/ -- After doing some research on this awhile ago I turned up on the site. Definitely provides some elementary information on the topic.

what about your family and friends from when you grew up?

Well to be honest I have a mixed thing with family. While I love them very much, sometimes we clash on things too much. Also, at least with where I plan on living, travel time is not that much so if there is a family emergency I could be back in a few hours and a few hundred dollars.

PT or Permanent Traveler lifestyle is the best. It keeps you free from government and you can avoid taxes, and allocate your assets in a distributed way to not be under the rule of 1 single government. Its is the only libertarian way to live.