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RE: A Push For Alternative Treatments To Deal With PTSD

in #ptsd7 years ago

Acupuncture is based on touching specific points of our nervous system, to channel the ailments or imbalances, even the immune system is specified. Now, the interesting thing about the publication is that this treatment can be linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, and that veterans receive psychological attention before exposing themselves to war, because it is not necessary to face the problem. When returning to war with lost time, when a patient suffers from this disorder you can not develop your life with total normality, even if you are not familiar with the fact that they are going to attack, they will isolate themselves, do not leave your home, stop doing it eat, have insomnia, among other symptoms, a device placed in the system or that generates electricity to neurotransmitters to regulate the mood does not seem like a good idea, because they act as an addiction to a substance, call opioids or psychoactive, because they cause the same effect. I insist, I suggest that psychotherapy before undergoing wars to develop coping skills to stress, fear, the need for conservation and more.