[PTSD] President Trump Steem Dispatch - Take my advice Please! FIRE Sessions!

in #ptsd8 years ago

Hello Mr. President,

Me again. You've no doubt by now read my previous two [PTSD] posts regarding your new Job in the Whitehouse.

I know you've got some people in your entourage who are pointing out these Disptches, but you're apparently NOT paying attention to them. In my first one, I clearly explained that your Attorney General is a complete Whack Job (I believe my exact word was "FuckFace") and that he is obviously the wrong guy for the job you hired him for. Which was to END Hillary Clinton and perhaps also work on Jailing Pedophiles and Rapists. At least that was the impression I got. Instead, that Damned Disgusting Hillbilly is still making news being a Rancid Little Authoritarian Boss Hogg!

I reference the following Slate.com article as an example of Attorney General Session's Draconian Attitude towards an object...




And NOT a Dangerous Object either, but an Object that was ARBITRARILY defined as "Dangerous" and "Elicit" by an earlier, Racist Administration which used this definition to cage MILLIONS of Non-Violent American Citizens in privately managed prisons. Now that DAMNED Hillbilly you hired is off harassing the States of America that legitimately Voted to correct the errors in the Federal Laws. You spoke about this VERY ISSUE at one of your campaign rallies that I attended. I clearly heard YOU say that the Cannabis Issue should be left to the States to work out. I was so floored by this statement that I had someone take my picture with this stupid look on my face where I'm thinking,

Could this guy POSSIBLY be SERIOUS?

Trump ME.jpg

Now before I get too off track here, I must point out that the look on my face has changed quite a bitMad.jpg

I'm MAD because I know I was duped into believing the words coming out of your mouth back on that day, only to find out that you appreciate the Bureaucracy more than anyone... But the JOKE is on YOU... DICK! Because I didn't Vote for you.

My second [PTSD] Post covered the Crimes that Hillary Clinton is getting away with at the moment because your administration is too busy making bigger deal out of Cannabis than Espionage, Racketeering, Child Trafficking, Organ Harvesting, or anything that is ACTUALLY DANGEROUS. There are very informed citizens all over the world who have been openly investigating the obvious crimes of the Clinton Foundation, the Criminality of the DNC, and the Illicit activity of a Human Trafficking ring operating with impunity around the world; yet there is virtually NOTHING in the way of actual activity from Sessions in even acknowledging this. No, instead, that ASS is working on a 40+ year Drug War that has been proven illegitimate by 29 States in the Union so far.

Where DID you dig this fossil up from?


I try to be funny as often as I can. But this is not a joke. This man is not funny. This situation is very serious to me. Because despite 40+ years of lies, I challenged the notion late in my life, that cannabis was bad. You know what happened? I got better. I got much, MUCH better. In fact, in the last decade I have seen NO EVIDENCE that Cannabis is dangerous in any way. I've really only seen evidence of the safety and efficacy of the plant when used as a medicine. When my State legalized it in 2014 I was able to adequately use this substance for a prolonged health problem that I had endured for decades. In a very short amount of time using cannabis, I easily determined that it was doing a very effective job of helping me overcome my health concern. Since using cannabis, I have seen my story repeated by other people over and over and over again. I have yet to see anything "Dangerous" about a plant that actually has a proliferation of evidence supporting its medicinal qualities. And to anyone who want's to argue my personal experiences with me as not being valid science and whatnot, I say...



In conclusion Donald, what I'm telling you is this...

Keep Sessions away from the Cannabis issue entirely. For me I would prefer you Fire him but if instead you can get him back to work on real issues then I'm sure it will be alright. If not, fire him. I don't have time to work all of this out for you. You're a grown man with a job to do. I'm just here pointing out what you told me and the crowd sometime back at your little campaign get together. I know you work hard and have your problems. I'm not trying to Micromanage you... just want you to know what's up.

Yep, that about does it.
Kind regards to you and yours Mr. President. Watch your back. Keep an eye on that McMasters fella, and most importantly, keep that JackAss Sessions away from Cannabis... COMPLETELY! Please!

~Quixotic Malcontent


Good article all done !! Moreover it will be legal in my country in July 2018.. i follow you

Maybe one Trump just isn't enough. I'd give you a hat, but here's an upvote. Enjoy!