If you watch a lot of twitch, then you probaly know H1z1. It has been all over twitch, youtube and steam for that matter. People are simenlesly falling in love with this type gameplay. So am i xD. I own both games and had my ups and downs with both. So, you are here for a reason. Which one should you get?
Steam description
H1Z1: King of the Kill is a fast-paced shooter in which players compete in large-scale chaotic PvP spectacles of skill, with and a little luck, where everyone must fight to the death to stand alone at the top of the podium.
- Fast paced
- Arcady styled gameplay
- Large skin collections
- Arcade style gameplay is not for all.
- Lacks realism
- Skins are expensive
- Micro-transactions is a must for skins.
My overall experience
I have played the game for around 21 hours. I’m not disappointed or anything it just lacks replay value for me. There are only 3 guns worth picking up. Snipers are hard to come by and are not that rewarding to nonexperience fps players. Every game starts the same, you find a shotgun and AR. You find a car, preferably the police car, and then you drive around until you find someone to kill. There isn’t enough replay value or tactical decisions for me in this game.
But if you like the arcade style gameplay, then by all means go for it. It costs around 15 bucks on G2A/kinguin.
Kinguin/G2a links:
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds
Steam description
PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a massive 8x8 km island to be the lone survivor. This is BATTLE ROYALE.
- Lots of intense and heart pounding moments!!
- Kills are satisfying !!
- Weapon variety & customization !!
- Optimization.
- Sound FX.
- Vehicles Physics.
- Sometimes Laggy.
My overall experience
This game is one of my most played games now. I regularly switch between PUBG and Overwatch. But this game is so good on so many levels. You can change any weapons with attachments and chose the best tactical style for your playstyle. There are so many customization options integrated in this game, which makes it great for more in depth gameplay. This game is perfect for my play style. ARMA is too "hard core" for me H1Z1 is too arcadeish for me. PUB fits right in between those two. But with that said, the game is terribly optimized. Low end pc gamers should not be considering getting this one. But for the mid-range and high end pc’s this is a great experience. The developers are updating at least monthly. So, expect new content every month.
The game costs around 30 bucks on Kinguin/G2A. This is a 10-dollar increase from H1z1, but you will also get more content in end.
Kinguin/G2A links
Player Unknowns all the way!!!