Ruby Red and Gentilberry Green: A Fantastical Romance - Part XXXIX - END
If I self-pub I may have to go with Kobo. Or just do like Emily Dickinson and stuff my stories into a drawer and rest assured that only half a dozen people across the globe would read them anyway.
Hmm. @kaelci published her novel after posting chapter by chapter here. So did @t2tang - I bought his book and reviewed it at Amazon, but when I tried to review @kaelci's, they rejected it saying it violated their guidelines (presumably, the Friends/Conflict of Interest thing). @honeydue has anthologized her 5-minute freewrites as an Amazon indie author. What's crazy is that I would read a book, become a fan of the author, email the author, follow on social media - but how does that make us friends with conflicts of interest? How is it ok to one-star a novel that has many merits just because "profanity on page one" or "ends on a cliffhanger; to read more I have to pay money for Book 2 when Book 1 was free" -- that's ok! And Amazon REMOVED the option of downvoting these reviews. Now we can vote yes, a review was helpful, but not that it was a lame and misleading review from a one-star bandit with an ax to grind.
Let me know what route you will go -- you have the talent to be published!
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Someone mentioned somewhere that if you buy a kindle version amazon check you have read "enough" of it before reviewing (although I reviewed @honeydue's book almost immediately based on what I'd read before). When I self pub I'll provbably follow honeydue's well researched path... But we'll see. :)
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