
Hahaha. Don't listen to him. He's a bad influence. ;)


You can laugh ... but don't you think it's starting to sound ... like a Shakespearean plot?

Moreover, you now have @intspekt, a naked girl in a bathtub, following you! An unexpected bonus! My friend, I think you owe me.

Haha...😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣..oh lawd!!!! What's that supposed to making me think other wise...but remember some ladies are just in the zone even when we feel it shouldn't ...@intspekt what do you think??

@febizle I think it means that @quillfire is a big 'ol goofball who'll do anything for a laugh.

with him until he makes us laugh at him with his big silly self.And speaking of Shakespeare (you started this @quillfire), I'd say that makes him a bit of a village idiot. So maybe we should treat him as our comic relief, and laugh

I'm sure his antics have only just begun if we'd provide him a captive audience. I'd say light his clowny pants on fire and grab some popcorn. Watching him run around burning off all that silly energy sure sounds entertaining. He did name himself quillfire, afterall. He's on fire. Just imagine him as a clown matador with a mad bull chasing him. That's what he'll be once he takes it too far with you. Hahaha!

people just resonate with our hearts in a way that makes us want to connect with them.And yes, I agree @febizle, some

Loading...'s dicey in a big dicey world...

I think you're right. :) Just have to try.

Hmmmm....the heart should know where it belongs...I will wait and watch..