in #pun6 years ago

One of the most preliminary definitions of a capacitor is its ability to store charges. It does this by suspending two charges of opposite polarity(+ve&-ve). These charges are suspended by a dielectric in between them. These two opposite charges have the tendency to mix up together to become one but the dielectric prevents them from doing so. The only way these charges can mix up to become one is when the dielectric is either replaced by a conductor through which they can flow through or their is dielectric breakdown. The ability of a capacitor to store up these charges is by preventing them from mixing up together hence storing them. Whenever these charges are needed they are made to mix together.
Life is like a capacitor. Life is made up of two opposite charges separated by a dielectric. There is God in heaven(+ve charges), and the world(-ve charges) and we are the dielectric in between. These two opposite charges are suspended from each other by the dielectric. The completeness of life is in God mixing up with lives(+ve charges mixing it with -ve charges). Just as +ve charges mix up with -ve charges to be one(unlike charges attract), so also God designed life in such a way that we are complete in Him. He becomes our completion. -ve charges will always need +ve charges to complete it. The solution and quest within us is answered and completed in Jesus. He is the solution and what we look for. The solution is not to look for peace in the world or run after people, they are all -ve charges like us. The solution is not in the world, the solution is God who is +ve charged.
The dielectric in a capacitor is the bridge between these two opposite charges. These charges can't flow into each other because of the dielectric. As believers we determine the extent to which heaven kisses the earth. If God is going to mix up with lives on earth, it must be as instead of being dielectrics we become conductors He will flow through to the world or dielectric breakdown occurs in us. Jesus is the solution to the world. If He is going to answer the quests of the world or be made real to them and complete them, it is as there is no dielectric in between but ability to allow opposite charges flow through it. We introduce God into the world and He changes them through us.