Since the beautiful birth on the 25th Dec. of the six little bundles of ecstatic joy, my own joy has also increased as I have been caring and watching over them. Their mother is no less than a heroin of note as she wards off the approaches and obnoxious inquiries of the other resident canines who happen to be boerbulls, no less than thirty times her size and weight. The recent violent thunderstorms have not deterred her at all and, while the two giant boerbulls run in frantic, panic stricken fear, looking for a safe haven, she snuggles up under the shelter I prepared for her and the six, providing care and assurance for her six children. My boerbull becomes so frantic as the thunder and lightning strikes, she tries to jump through closed window panes and twice has sustained serious injury. (This happened the first time during the middle of the night whilst I was sleeping and the storm had only broke after midnight, and the other time whilst I was out, as I always let her inside when I am there and a storm approaches.) She is aware of an approaching storm even before we are made aware of it on the weather forecast - or the sound on the distant horizon - and begins her whimpering and whining and shivering, seeking refuge under my desk in the corner of the room.
I am amazed as I then observe these six five week old tiny bundles sitting quite still and unfazed as the violent squalls and low pressure cyclones occur, bringing the aggressive rain and wind along, darkening our skies, with the accompanying flashes and strikes of those lightning bolts, sending the other bolder creatures running for shelter. They truly are an elixir for the faint-hearted and bring a huge smile and swelling of my heart as well. These incredible creatures are our Creators reminder of His love and care for us as they display all the traits of humble faith and trust for Life and Love. Dog love is God love incarnate.