My parents are visiting us here in Costa Rica and my wife had the idea to book a room in a 5-Star Marriot with colonial building and a massive area around it. Pool, Spa and tons of cool acitivities. I am usually not very luxurious (lol, I had problems pronouncing this word in the video) but I really enjoy my time here right now.
And the best thing of all: For the first time in my life I feel like I can afford pretty much everything here. Thanks to you and the Steem blockchain.
Pura Vida!
▶️ DTube
Yeah Costa Rica! Life is what you make it. Make it GREAT folks! The more you give the more you receive!
Be the creator of your creatrix!
I know I will be in ur shoes soon, enjoy ur holidays
working hard only makes like difficult. WORK RIGHT! everything goes smooth & well. trustme
Yes you will if you work hard for it like I did! Here is fat upvote to get you started!
Omg, thank u for this. This is the greatest gift I have received on steemit😚
Desde Argentina te mando un fuerte abrazo, pura vida y a disfrutar del trabajo.
Mi padre tenía una frase "El éxito es 85% sudor y sacrificio y el 25% lo completa la inspiración y creatividad"@flauwy yo también soy nuevo en esto y entiendo perfectamente la sensación que estás atravesando.
yo he trabajado desde que tengo 13 años de edad y se lo que es sacrificio ahorita tengo 27 años y puedo decir que si ha valido la pena. Solo usted decide hasta donde quiere llegar.
Y nos vemos en Dubai =)
You deserve it, @flauwy!
Hope you enjoyed your quality time with your family!
Good for you
Great place... you deserve it!
I don’t know why but I am always happy about your comments. :)
Love the message. Love the motivation. Love the hustle. Keep it up @Flauwy !
That's the life of a full-time Steemian!
Haha that’s awesome !!
Great booking..You can be rich with Steemit...you couldn t pronounce luxurious because you are not used to it loool..
Nice <3 i like
EXACTLY! And I rather stay close to the ground even with Steem backing me up. :)
Gosh, I love the Steemit life!
So cool Flo,you were so impressed with steemit when i met you on vacation and now you enjoy the beautiful sun in costa rica. so cool! Best regards.
Yes, I always try to bring the excitement of this beautiful blockchain to all my friends. But you are one of the few who actually registered and started to blog yourself. I know it is hard in the beginning. Continue to to work for it and in a few months you will be in a very different situation.
Greetings from Manuel Antonio Costa Rica 🇨🇷
I love Manuel Antonio! We might probably go there in a week or so. Such a lovely place. Particularly the national park and the spot where there are two beach nearly touching each others backs. :)
The National Park is amazing! And if you don’t know Biezans Beach near to Hotel Parador, you have to visit there 👌🏽
Went backpacking (so a bit under 5 stars...) in CR two years ago. Had a great time enjoying the Pura Vida spirit and the beautiful nature. Ik can imagine it is great fun living there.
Nice! Backpacking in Costa Rica is much better than any 5 Start hotel! We just went there for the Spa and the pool with a day ticket. We didn't book over night which would be bloody expensive.
Agree. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!
Wow, what a coincindence. I just watched sam kolder's video about pura vida. That was really beautiful magical place to travel.
Cool video. Nicely shot and edited. Now I want a to have a drone and travel and make Steem videos about it. :D
Go do it, mate
I envy you your 5 start holiday. I could really do with one right now.
But congrats on making Steemit work for you so well in such short space of time. That's pretty impressive.
Enjoy your parents visit!
I still cannot believe my luck. Steem is a revolution!
Livin the Steemit Life! Your a perfect example of why I am so interested in this platform and happy to be here. You deserve every penny and hope this video trends all week. I love Costa Rica and have viseted many times, thanks for sharing your video, brought back memories. And bro, your so humble and excited in your video about the luxurious hotel, may Steemit bless you with a luxurious life forever. god bless
Haha, thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words. I also hope to stay humble and down to earth. But I will also do crazy things that I would have otherwise never been able to do. Starting with going to Anarchapulco in Mexico next month and attending the events there. I hope I will meet some other Steemians. :)
So awesome to hear that! 2018 should be a great year for all crypto's with true purpose and platforms people really enjoy using. Have a wonderful trip and I will be following to see your steemit adventure!
You have definitely earned that hotel vacation, mate! I was just looking at that massive list of tutorials you produced, it's incredible! Cheers!
That list is insane, isn't it? Took me forever to just copy the video links into the post. :D
I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we can chat later or tomorrow on Discord?
Costa Rica. countries in Latin America Not many things I know about your country. but I know the main navlor. he is a great goalkeeper Greetings from Indonesia for you guys!
Oh, you mean Kaylor Navas. he is one of the best in the world.
iya maksud saya keylor navas maaf saya ceroboh dalam melakukan translet
Wow, that is truly amazing mate!! You deserved it as well man because all of your awesome video that you have produced are just incredible!!!
I wish you and your family an AWESOME TIME!!
Winny out...for now ;)
Thx Winny. See you on Discord.
The Hotel looks freaking good. But You deserve it man. You have been working freaking hard. :D So well done. :D Make the best of it :D
It was an amazing day but I am glad to be back on the mountain. I am not really made for such a life. But the internet speed was epic!
Eheheh maybe you can just go there for a coffee and use the internet... use the bar there as your office eheheheh 😂😂
Wives/girlfriends sometimes have the best ideas! I wish I could go back and unwatch this video. What a beautiful building/area and weather dude! It's been literally raining here in Vancouver since Christmas.
Vancouver sounds amazing. I always wanted to see this city in Canada.
B.C. / Vancouver is the best place to visit in Canada. But I'd visit in summer, unless you'd like to go skiing in Whistler.
Nice, Nice Flo!
Living the dream!
Cheers#DTuberLife :D
Yeah, I feel like a rich kiddy now. Fun fact: I still am heavily dependent on others. My own car would be a welcome addition to rely less on others. I never had one so far.
I am on the same boat as you flauwy... people see our rewards and think we're rich, but the fact is we withdraw little of them. I still need to buy a car myself.
Let's keep on growing until our profits percentage withdrawn can give us a nice life.
Right on point! I either reinvest my earnings directly into Steem Power or I diverisify my crypto portfolio (which I just started a week ago). The only time I cash out is to pay the bills and I always feel guilty about it. ;)
wow, great experience. enjoy it.
But someday, you have to going to Aceh, Indonesia.
you will be find Something else about beauty.
regards from Aceh, Indonesia.
Yeah, I am sure this should be something I visit oneday!
Now I got a reason to work hard on Steemit. Lol. Hope one day I could book a luxurious hotel room atleast for one night using the earnings too 😂
Check out my post with the five shooting stars of Steem. Thats how you can earn Steem very well.
thanks. I'll do it
You deserve it!!! Hard work pays off! We are in Vietnam right now and flying to Bali and after that we heading maybe to Costa Rica or Japan. We found
huge house on Airbnb for around 700 Dollar a month. But to get around we might need an quad. Or is it possible to rent motorbikes?
You can rent motos and quads. Where are you staying.
Hi @flauwy. We just talked with our friends who are also right now in Costa Rica. We will be staying in Samara area and a quad is around 700 US Dollar a month. So I am just looking into flights.
Amazing hotel! Now i want to go to Costa Rica too, guess i need to work hard in life and on steemit/dtube to get myself some holiday money
Actually Costa Rica is much nicer outside of the hotel. ;)
Go and start earning Steem and live the Pura Vida life.
I am also trying to get some success on this platform. So i will BE enjoy holidays like you.. enjoy holidays buddy
Put your mind onto your goals and you can achieve anything. Steemit will help!
Yeh Exactly It would be great if someone resteemed Our posts.. I think it would be really helpful for newbies like me.
Enjoy your day off. It is really impressive that you post every day. It's pretty hard to search for good content and I can say that I found it on your blog @flauwy. Thank you for being here on this amazing platform @steemit.
I am glad you like my stuff. :) Steem on!
If your close to Tamarindo beach look for the two guys with dread locks and gold teeth teaching surfing out of their tent beach office. They grow some amazing hydro sativa......
Haha, cool. Thanks for the idea!
woot woot
A few weeks ago, you wrote me that you would never sleep in a five star hotel... I'm now thinking , maybe you'll come to Canada for our memory competition after all... LOL.
I did not sleep there. Sleeping there would have been 8x more expensive than having a day room shared by five people. And it was not my idea. ;)
By the way, I am the head arbiter of the IAM Canadian Open in April.
Prayers that you and the family had a great time! Quite a beautiful hotel!
Best regards.
Thanks for the Steemy faces at the end...always makes us smile.
It was a fine day! Peace to you as well.
Me Gusto mucho, muy original.
Gracias Alejandra. Saludos de Costa Rica. :)
wow.......Very good post I like your post ¡
Should give more logistical details and associated costs for staying at the Hotel ...
Greetings to Venezuela from Costa Rica. :)
What a pleasure to see, the treatment you give your parents, excellent that you share with them, nowadays not all children attend to their parents. May God always take care of you and give you good health so that you can continue to share with them.
Thanks but they paid for the food. ;)
Felicidades! que Dios te de mucha salud y sigas desarrollante como persona con el apoyo de esta plataforma. éxitoo!
Mucha salud a Venezuela de Costa Rica!
Wooow this is so beautiful and motivating, I guess steemit paid for that luxurious life. I’m working so hard just to be where at your level man keep it up and stay blessed
Yep, Steem-based paid. I worked very hard to get here. Everyone can do the same but not everyone WILL do the same.
Costa rica is one of my must-go countries to visit some day in my life! enjoy Costa rica!!
Best place I know.
Looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy your vacation man. May you be blessed with many more.
I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
@flauwy So happy for you ! Nothing like an adventure with no rules. Best wishes to you.
Yeah, who likes rules anyway? ;)
Time to enjoy the day looks like an amazing day ahead :D great vlog
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!
Why should you book such expensive rooms for staying .your parents they understand you very well.to me l think parents love to see thire sons and daughters in the way they are .very good post l liked it and can teach .thanks flauwy
We just wanted to find an activity for the day and they have a cool Spa and stuff here. It is actually the same as going to a Spa in Berlin. :)
451$ in 10 minutes 🤔
Yeah, I got lucky with a big upvote from Thejohalfiles. I didn't expect that but I am grateful i got it. ;)
That architecture is sexy as hell !!!
I love your avatar. From the Big Lebowski, right?
Yeah, The Narrator :)
Thanks, but your talking steemit logo is much cooler!
hola exelente video soy nueva en steemit saludos
Saludos de Costa Rica. A donde vive usted?
soy de venezuela
Ui, que buena idea venir a Steemit para usted. Es una grande chance para haver Steem y Bitcoin. Es muy beneficioso en Venezuela con la inflacion, de verdad?
Hey Flauwy, I'm your new follower,
I have just started your tutorial series for steemit :)
you have done an amazing job of making these tutorials :)
I Especially Want to appreciate your work.
Do i ask you some question?
can i get little of your time ?
Hey, what do you want to know?
I'm Glad to see your reply :)
how did you make that Jeni?
and how we get that slider of percentage when upvoting someone's comment?
great post, thanks for sharing
Enjoy for you, :)
not working hard but working smart. Wish you more
wao bravo ,some days to come i will also enjoy like this
Nice Holtel
Holidays are biggest blessing these days so enjoy