My Sunday morning meditation consisted a bit of me looking at these 4 world changers.
They are pretty legendary - and my most constant reminder of the grind of breakthrough. At any given moment I have a throng of things pulling at my heart vying for my attention. Filtering through my own reputation, my own desire for fame, my own desire for comfort and ease...things are calling my name, beckoning, fighting for my time.
When I yield - my grind fades. The daily becomes boring, pointless, and the chase for the next comfort is magnified.
The wife feels it first, the kids quickly follow. Dad's seemingly checked out, on his phone, sharp, overly corrective at minimal things.
You see the grind moves away from building world changers, catalyzing big thinkers that rock eternity, and turns into this selfish grind for the next fix.
What's your Grind - Are you Alive?
I carry this 12 foot cross around public places, specifically Colorado State campus.
Many people think I'm a bit off my rocker...which is fine. On a given day I will see upwards of 10,000 people - most of whom are walking by themselves with general disdain on their face's, headphones in their ears. At first, I gave people the benefit of the doubt and would say things like 'they just want some alone time', or 'maybe they are just introverted'.
In reality, I am learning to move past peoples facade's and see their pain. Their grind is selfish in nature eating their souls. While I do not know most of these people, I see their grind. Lost in their own worlds of their music, their phone's, and their pain. Very few people actually want to go and get drunk on a given weekend, few people actually want to go and engage in promiscuous sex, few people want to throw their emotions to the curb chasing likes, NOBODY wants to go and waste their weekend binge watching's just the next fix in their grind.
Slowly taking the poison...eating us down to lifeless machines of selfish apathy, and a purposeless existence.
My kids are growing - gradually spending more time outside of the covering of my home and these same devils are starting to come knocking at their doors. What my wife and I do matters, for their sake. Our grind will shape and influence their ability to tap into living for apathy or living a life of power and purpose.
Get Your Breakthrough
If you want one - you got to go get it.
Come face to face with your own selfishness and violently remove it from your own life. Nobody will do it for you.
Heres a few tips if you want em -
#1. Write down what you want your life to look like in 20 years
#2. Write down what type of person you want to be
Look at that everyday for a week. Shut down your phone and visualize what it will take to get there. Think about how it will feel when you get there. Allow it to sit in your brain the first 10 minutes when you get up and when you go to bed.
Lastly, ask God for help. I've found that higher power to enable me with courage to slay my personal dragons while building champions around me.
If you don't believe in a higher power...well...good luck at life
Go get it friends - get your breakthrough - slay your own apathy...and if your a parent your kids watching
Live Big! Choose Greatness Today!
You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:
It should be you're a instead of your a.