Those thoughts caused me to dive even deeper into the reason why I'm here. My primary purpose for living on this earth. The driving factor behind why I do anything and everything, That reason invopng
s you, and it also involves God. My primary purpose on this planet revolves around bringing glory to my creator, the God of the Bible, my Father in Heaven.
Without purpose, life will be useless,
With out Jesus Christ there is now purpose, no reason to live for.
The name of Jesus has so much power that it makes people uncomfortable because now they have to deal with their sinful nature. Myself included.
Yes it makes people uncomfortable, but what it should really do is make them comfortable, because he said "come near to me and i will come near to you" and even said it better "where sin abide, grace supper abide" people fail to see his grace and feel they are too far away to come back to God, but its never too late, every moment we're in need of him, He is the source of our life and the only reason we're alive today, its all because of him.
Thanks for a wonderful post @kenmelendez, keep the faith growing cheer @ogt
@ogt I agree with you! Jesus should make us feel comfortable all the time. I think the issue is our sin nature that doesn't want to be exposed to a perfect God which then causes the uncomfortable feelings sometimes. For those who have a personal relationship with Him, they are filled with love, joy, and peace on a daily basis.
Most time people forget that when we go near to him as said inVery true @kenmelendez
And He will draw near to us too, but we have to decide first and not be double minded.
Thanks foe the lovely reply @kenmelendez
Cheer @ogt