5000 STEEM Gift & PushBook 9.0

in #pushbook6 years ago

Details of 5000 STEEM Giveaway will be announced within next 48 Hours. Please Keep calm and STEEM On with Seven77

PushBook 9.0

Adding new participants increases the value of the network for all existing participants. Seven77 Network effects will push STEEM to $7.77

Participate in Seven77 Challenge (Seven for 777 Days) once a day on Twitter to Become a member of Seven77 Network

Step 1. Write One reason why you believe in STEEM

Step 3. Attach video of you doing Seven (eg. push-ups)
Examples of Seven77 Tweets Step 2. Write Day XXX of 777 #Seven77 #STEEM @nathanmars7

Earn upto 444 LOVE Points daily by positively impacting Seven77 Challenge Movement on Twitter

Earn 333 LOVE+ Points daily by leaving minimum 3 comments on 3 different Seven77 Network member's Steemit content

1 LOVE Token= 1 LOVE Point = 1 LOVE+ Point

Earn LOVE Reputation (= unique number of Seven77 Network Members engaged since 17th May on Steemit ) by branching out more within Seven77 Network

LOVE Power = (LOVE Reputation / Total Number of People in Seven77 Network) %

Seven77 Network = Seven77 Family + Seven77 Partners + Seven77 Premium Partners + NathanMars7

Seven77 Network Members (LOVE Rep)LOVE PowerLOVE PointsLOVE+ PointsLOVE Tokens
15 @runridefly (29)7%4500070045700
63 @dmilliz (56)14%44000112045120
29 @rehan12 (20)5%4440060945009
24 @mariannewest (67)17%42000121143211
14 @macoolette (15)4%4240057442974
192 @josediccus (14)4%4200079142791
21 @hafizullah (60)15%40000119741197
20 @madushanka (43)11%3930094540245
73 @felt.buzz (48)12%38300158239882
102 @joetunex (20)5%38400100139401
59 @mickvir (22)6%3840077739177
11 @iamjadeline (40)10%3700091037910
151 @oakling (6)2%3700047637476
8 @plantstoplanks (25)6%3600074236742
28 @thereikiforest (39)10%3540077736177
224 @roger5120 (44)11%34000185535855
50 @blueeyes8960 (68)17%34000168035680
74 @flaxz (52)13%33000202335023
119 @practicaleric (16)4%33400158934989
88 @jeronimorubio (11)3%3330052533825
105 @alokkumar121 (69)17%32000161033610
65 @traciyork (29)7%3200074932749
138 @bluengel (167)42%30000264632646
266 @nathanmars (125)31%30000203032030
113 @citimillz (16)4%3000067230672
82 @pixiepost (23)6%2940070030100
85 @meesterboom (19)5%2900087529875
123 @wil.metcalfe (24)6%2900081229812
87 @steevc (22)6%2900074929749
4 @freecrypto (20)5%2900059529595
321 @abh12345 (21)5%28000100829008
112 @willspatrick (30)8%2800077028770
280 @cflclosers (100)25%27000164528645
198 @julian2013 (7)2%2800055328553
128 @yaanivapeji (2)1%2800047628476
40 @deepsouthpiddlin (24)6%2740066528065
62 @certain (21)5%2740065128051
103 @chesatochi (56)14%25000126026260
226 @olivia08 (46)12%25000112026120
227 @zephalexia (15)4%2500064425644
100 @raj808 (25)6%2500062325623
6 @captainbob (6)2%2400050424504
225 @mytechtrail (15)4%2300081923819
7 @zanoni (31)8%2300067223672
55 @jenina619 (16)4%2300063023630
106 @sumit71428 (25)6%2200071422714
157 @nmcdougal94 (11)3%2200068622686
133 @jeanlucsr (20)5%2200059522595
166 @mamun123456 (21)5%2000060920609
153 @janicechua (7)2%2000048320483
244 @dragonblades (34)9%1900078419784
272 @wav-dr (26)7%1900074919749
5 @jongolson (19)5%1900067919679
69 @prettynicevideo (13)3%1900061619616
23 @snook (10)3%1900057419574
101 @toufiqurrahman32 (5)1%1900050419504
246 @davedickeyyall (20)5%1900050419504
22 @kaerpediem (43)11%18000101519015
10 @behelen (13)3%1770063018330
43 @missaj (35)9%1700075617756
107 @matthewtonyit (22)6%1700060217602
2 @exyle (17)4%1700058817588
75 @guurry123 (11)3%1700058117581
191 @pouchon (10)3%1700057417574
143 @nonsowrites (15)4%1700056717567
210 @paulag (13)3%1700053917539
183 @knowhow92 (13)3%1700053217532
175 @mdaminulislam (2)1%1700051117511
145 @achimmertens (3)1%1700046917469
199 @edouard (2)1%1700045517455
186 @paulo380 (1)0%1700044817448
150 @judethedude (1)0%1700044117441
201 @dazedconfused11 (1)0%1700044117441
211 @tanlikming (0)0%1700044117441
92 @russia1 (0)0%1600044116441
72 @crypt-skip (18)5%15000107116071
33 @d00k13 (43)11%1500095915959
219 @artbyclark (14)4%1500058115581
236 @Freewritehouse (12)3%1500056715567
1 @theycallmedan (13)3%1500052515525
16 @kenanqhd (9)2%1500050415504
125 @russia-btc (6)2%1500049715497
47 @marvyinnovation (3)1%1500049015490
51 @dearw (6)2%1500046915469
83 @immarojas (3)1%1500046915469
164 @akomoajong (24)6%1400088214882
256 @hungryharish (20)5%1400062314623
57 @babarakas43 (3)1%1400044814448
168 @stevenson7 (1)0%1400044814448
174 @paultarpan (1)0%1400044814448
36 @earthanaomi (0)0%1400044114441
152 @ewuoso (0)0%1400044114441
81 @anggreklestari (55)14%1300096613966
80 @thekitchenfairy (13)3%1300056013560
49 @doktormuslem (3)1%1300049013490
212 @vangie (64)16%1200091712917
247 @purapapita (35)9%1200078412784
154 @eprolific (23)6%1200061612616
124 @rmsbodybuilding (18)5%1200058812588
144 @alexabsolute (5)1%1200050412504
97 @novacadian (16)4%1200047612476
120 @redrica (5)1%1200047612476
129 @maclevis (4)1%1200047612476
99 @ecoinstant (4)1%1200046212462
209 @swhomebiz (2)1%1200045512455
115 @ridoykhan22 (2)1%1200044812448
35 @robmojo (0)0%1200044112441
111 @actifit (5)1%1200044112441
148 @gidionline (0)0%1200044112441
163 @adeyemoola (0)0%1200044112441
25 @priyanarc (44)11%11000103612036
206 @jeffjagoe (11)3%1100066511665
136 @jonsnow1983 (29)7%1100063011630
155 @julisavio (7)2%1100059511595
204 @yeninsfer (3)1%1100058811588
38 @creativesoul (6)2%1100055311553
159 @donajuice (6)2%1100049711497
172 @n1hal (5)1%1100047611476
250 @chireerocks (68)17%10000145611456
54 @glokdm (1)0%1100044811448
60 @blind-spot (57)14%10000126011260
18 @adeTorrent (31)8%1000075610756
257 @hungryanu (20)5%1000070010700
311 @teenagecrypto (24)6%1000065110651
140 @dongentle2 (11)3%1000050410504
228 @eugelys (4)1%1000048310483
271 @dadapizza (2)1%1000044810448
61 @clixmoney (32)8%90008409840
262 @kayda-ventures (9)2%90005469546
288 @chrisaiki (8)2%90005049504
259 @burlarj (11)3%90004839483
313 @quochuy (3)1%90004629462
270 @arbazalam (2)1%90004559455
314 @earnlogy (58)15%800012399239
258 @oppongk (43)11%80009178917
336 @mariita52 (30)8%80006448644
9 @phoenixwren (13)3%80005818581
12 @vincy (12)3%80005748574
234 @phoenixwinter (9)2%80005118511
17 @zainenn (4)1%80004908490
229 @cassillas5553 (3)1%80004628462
287 @joeyadrian (1)0%80004488448
68 @mjtravel (0)0%80004418441
194 @iamwhatiamnot (0)0%80004418441
222 @sergiomendes (50)13%700011558155
330 @wakeupkitty (42)11%700010368036
284 @zekepickleman (29)7%70008757875
98 @whack.science (23)6%70007007700
156 @dtwo (26)7%70006307630
130 @kahlyfa (15)4%70005817581
221 @mayb (9)2%70005677567
53 @ajorundon (13)3%70005537553
323 @jaynie (19)5%70005117511
306 @cleanplanet (10)3%70004977497
238 @davidke20 (10)3%70004907490
45 @face2face (5)1%70004767476
96 @jk6276 (3)1%70004697469
202 @hashcash (3)1%70004627462
177 @steemersayu907 (3)1%70004557455
195 @nourtawfiq (0)0%70004487448
196 @itrmarcusliew (0)0%70004487448
276 @rikaz87 (3)1%70004487448
317 @apostle-thomas (3)1%70004487448
126 @t3a (1)0%70004417441
142 @yohan2on (1)0%70004417441
173 @cryptoprotek (0)0%70004417441
178 @ignacioarreses (1)0%70004417441
248 @adeyemidrey (0)0%70004417441
309 #TheZeroWay1 (0)0%70004417441
48 @cryptospa (33)8%60009316931
261 @mcoinz79 (44)11%60008126812
77 @hauptmann (26)7%60007146714
139 @cheese4ead (12)3%60006446644
241 @maxdevalue (24)6%60005886588
104 @runicar (15)4%60005746574
322 @natespinney (7)2%60005186518
93 @urme33 (4)1%60004836483
203 @bien (5)1%60004836483
327 @yonilkar (7)2%60004836483
46 @joancabz (6)2%60004626462
318 @mihirbarot (10)3%500010226022
296 @revisesociology (20)5%50008265826
341 @devkant79 (22)6%50007705770
32 @greencross (26)7%50006725672
76 @jozef230 (23)6%50006725672
254 @jacksonchakma (22)6%50005815581
283 @joythewanderer (7)2%50005325532
223 @mistakili (9)2%50005255525
347 @wesphilbin (12)3%50005255525
217 @vlogger147 (10)3%50005115511
260 @dfacademy (10)3%50004835483
298 @edwardstobia (4)1%50004835483
37 @ayopeju (6)2%50004765476
310 @zhongyefu (2)1%50004695469
181 @soufiani (3)1%50004625462
180 @anikys3reasure (1)0%50004485448
39 @iamangierose (0)0%50004415441
56 @peachyladiva (0)0%50004415441
131 @asadul (0)0%50004415441
158 @barineka (0)0%50004415441
274 @thegreens (0)0%50004415441
290 @aperterikk (1)0%50004415441
304 @tfq86 (0)0%50004415441
308 @anttn (2)1%44004554855
316 @gloriouskids (5)1%44004554855
44 @emsonic (20)5%40008194819
297 @cityofstars (15)4%40007564756
205 @hiroyamagishi (2)1%40006584658
94 @steemflow (24)6%40006164616
268 @clove71 (9)2%40005604560
320 @horpey (9)2%40005394539
84 @katrina-ariel (10)3%40005324532
249 @arifull (3)1%40004974497
114 @ashikstd (4)1%40004624462
267 @m18207319997 (1)0%40004624462
66 @sandrag89 (3)1%40004554455
240 @ayojewels (2)1%40004554455
273 @wiralhokseumawe (3)1%40004554455
292 @jackdamen (2)1%40004554455
64 @madefrance (2)1%40004484448
160 @mittymartz (1)0%40004484448
340 @motoya7 (1)0%40004484448
348 @mobi72 (5)1%40004484448
118 @khaleelkazi (3)1%40004414441
127 @asad44 (1)0%40004414441
132 @prasasth (0)0%40004414441
134 @tt3 (1)0%40004414441
141 @rufans (0)0%40004414441
169 @adahmiracle (0)0%40004414441
170 @shaonsahriar (0)0%40004414441
176 @sumonsha (0)0%40004414441
179 @good-darma (2)1%40004414441
252 @cruis (0)0%40004414441
279 @nandy4eva (0)0%40004414441
339 @rubenalexander (0)0%40004414441
19 @tibfox (35)9%30007493749
71 @stackin (20)5%30007003700
343 @fitinfun (35)9%30006863686
121 @wandrnrose7 (16)4%30006443644
282 @shaidon (23)6%30005883588
315 @c0ff33a (24)6%30005743574
285 @mrnightmare89 (8)2%30005463546
78 @xcountytravelers (11)3%30005043504
30 @artakush (14)4%30004973497
27 @surfermarly (4)1%30004903490
243 @ajks (4)1%30004903490
26 @lyndsaybowes (5)1%30004833483
161 @azizbd (5)1%30004833483
338 @tcpaikano (4)1%30004763476
91 @sasaadrian (2)1%30004623462
58 @bestkizito (1)0%30004483448
86 @lukestokes (1)0%30004483448
108 @enrique89 (1)0%30004483448
187 @lebey1 (2)1%30004483448
237 @onestopfacts (1)0%30004483448
13 @annieben (0)0%30004413441
34 @sarkash7011 (0)0%30004413441
67 @abigail.cns (0)0%30004413441
70 #razia_t (0)0%30004413441
79 #ThomasGift8 (0)0%30004413441
110 @omsoc (0)0%30004413441
116 @kph (0)0%30004413441
135 @ornima (0)0%30004413441
137 @samirich (0)0%30004413441
146 @chiren (0)0%30004413441
147 @ricardo993 (0)0%30004413441
149 @thewanderingwind (0)0%30004413441
165 @successbd (0)0%30004413441
167 @camzy (0)0%30004413441
171 #eekayjosh (0)0%30004413441
193 @pearlumie (1)0%30004413441
220 @heiditravels (0)0%30004413441
230 @shogo (0)0%30004413441
233 @rdxhuda (0)0%30004413441
245 @abhisheksss571 (0)0%30004413441
277 #JapaneseWays (0)0%30004413441
281 @michelios (0)0%30004413441
391 @dreemsteem (0)0%30003333333
335 @newageinv (19)5%20009942994
207 @wonderwop (30)8%20009592959
214 @teamhumble (30)8%20008332833
307 @rem-steem (34)9%20008192819
319 @simplymike (20)5%20006302630
331 @bil.prag (16)4%20006232623
289 @roselifecoach (16)4%20005882588
31 @neopch (18)5%20005742574
52 @elsiekjay (20)5%20005602560
242 @kenny-crane (7)2%20005182518
337 @niallon11 (22)6%20005182518
215 @gaborockstar (4)1%20005042504
312 @cranium (4)1%20005042504
253 @tonygreene113 (4)1%20004902490
324 @ddrfr33k (13)3%20004902490
302 @donald.porter (13)3%20004832483
89 @anthonyadavisii (5)1%20004692469
3 @andrarchy (3)1%20004622462
294 @therealwolf (4)1%20004622462
239 @ura-soul (1)0%20004552455
295 @starkerz (4)1%20004482448
95 @yungchief (0)0%20004412441
109 @sasharaven (0)0%20004412441
117 @carreno11b (0)0%20004412441
162 @arifulislam (0)0%20004412441
182 @Smiles563 (0)0%20004412441
188 @daniel132 (0)0%20004412441
197 @alomgir0 (0)0%20004412441
213 @jamesmars (0)0%20004412441
232 @salman33 (1)0%20004412441
275 @fruitdaddy (0)0%20004412441
286 @originalmrspice (0)0%20004412441
291 @official-hord (0)0%20004412441
299 @lilkeszi (0)0%20004412441
300 @hidemi (0)0%20004412441
305 @kabir88 (0)0%20004412441
359 @ahmanik (9)2%20003822382
365 @abcallen (4)1%20003472347
369 @blanchy (9)2%20003472347
381 @thelovejunkie (0)0%20003332333
382 @ariful9551 (0)0%20003332333
362 @angelica7 (4)1%15003331833
349 @melinda010100 (24)6%10005811581
355 @joanstewart (23)6%10005671567
293 @bloggerkrunal (9)2%10005461546
345 @whatsup (15)4%10005461546
334 @carolkean (15)4%7008121512
353 @nigelmarkdias (17)4%10004971497
346 @juwel2018 (5)1%10004901490
264 @blog-beginner (6)2%10004831483
350 @camuel (6)2%10004831483
185 @romafedorov (5)1%10004761476
231 @salmannaqvi (6)2%10004761476
251 @anikearn (6)2%10004761476
255 @eddiespino (8)2%10004761476
263 @mspbro (4)1%10004761476
303 @steemseph (3)1%10004691469
41 @hmetu (4)1%10004621462
208 @goldmatters (3)1%10004551455
301 @future24 (1)0%10004481448
42 #alviamartodikr1 (0)0%10004411441
189 @PaulMoon410 (0)0%10004411441
190 @lincom (0)0%10004411441
200 @summisimeon (0)0%10004411441
216 @tapu333 (0)0%10004411441
235 @n33 (0)0%10004411441
265 #Pratimabasnet13 (0)0%10004411441
278 @matheusggr (0)0%10004411441
328 @xturna (0)0%10004411441
351 @rexsanguis (0)0%10004411441
367 @jurich60 (15)4%10004241424
360 @mansi94 (5)1%10003541354
361 @ntowl (5)1%10003471347
366 @jordangerder (6)2%10003471347
371 @cdaveboyles23 (2)1%10003401340
357 @reseller (1)0%10003331333
363 @jo5h (0)0%10003331333
364 @lesterjayme4165 (0)0%10003331333
368 @olaoti1 (0)0%10003331333
370 @atobekeigo (1)0%10003331333
372 @odesanya (0)0%10003331333
373 @ikrahch (21)5%10003331333
374 @dexent (0)0%10003331333
375 @blessed1 (0)0%10003331333
376 @davomaster (0)0%10003331333
377 @jajafresh (0)0%10003331333
378 @basangtopyy (0)0%10003331333
379 @bateren (0)0%10003331333
380 @otto11 (0)0%10003331333
383 @annepink (0)0%10003331333
384 @famousamos (0)0%10003331333
385 @mctavish (0)0%10003331333
386 #Mylord1992 (0)0%10003331333
387 @joyee333 (0)0%10003331333
388 @jaybhe (0)0%10003331333
389 @samartiwari (0)0%10003331333
326 @enginewitty (17)4%7006301330
342 @pennsif (7)2%7005181218
344 @robertandrew (11)3%7005111211
325 @masterthematrix (6)2%7004831183
329 @crimsonclad (3)1%7004481148
184 #NiguelMannes (0)0%7004411141
332 @soyrosa (16)4%5005041004
352 @silvertop (6)2%500483983
356 @makinstuff (8)2%500455955
269 #kajan (0)0%500441941
354 @nickythecat (0)0%500441941
358 @vibesforlife (27)7%500403903
390 @erode (0)0%444333777
392 @yabshire (0)0%444333777
393 @avhyaceulip (0)0%444333777
394 @starryfizzi (0)0%444333777
395 @vickykarma (0)0%444333777
333 @aggroed (1)0%300448748
90 @nathanmars7 (0)0%0441441
7000 @nathanmars7 (-)---xxxxxxx
7001 Seven77 Partners (-)---xxxxxxx
7003 Seven77 Premium Partners (-)---xxxxxxx

8th June 2019.

Hi Nathan, contact me on discord (I have added you as a friend) for the scripts and data file.




Thanks for the steem powered gift brother i was so happy as as soon as i woke up i saw the notification and it made me smile.....

Posted using Partiko Android

Let's keep pushing our STEEM to $7.77 with Seven77 Network

Yay. I am excited for this :) I am enjoying your #seven77 challenge and I hope we can make steem to the moon soon. We all know that we can make that happen because many Steemians are supporting you always. Keep up the good work @nathanmars. :)

We’re going to the same moon with STEEM

Let’s keep pushing our STEEM with Seven77 Network

Awesome! Match on @seven77

Thank you

Hope to see you in action with Seven77 Challenge on Twitter soon

Unfortunately i'm not on twitter

Updating a number of member in list it is really good. Lest make network on more complex design. Hahah lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary- Pablo Picasso

When developing an startup idea it's very important to simplify a model/framework

Next iteration of PushBook 10.0 will be even more simple

I got the gift brother and I so much appreciate you. The world is feeling the SEVEN77 impact already, and I tell you what, people are wondering what could have caused such manner of daily fitness and I bet they amused to discover we doing it for a social media blockchain that's special to us. It's an excellent way of getting people to explore about what cryptocurrency and crypto-powered blockchain really is.

A million thanks once again for coming up with the Pushbook brand as it is leading us to the $7.77 destination. I will sure do avail myself anytime I'm needed.

It's an excellent way of getting people to explore about what cryptocurrency and crypto-powered blockchain really is

Ultimate goal of Seven77 Network (PushBook) is to empower crypto adoption and eliminate crypto speculation

Let's keep moving forward

Stay Blessed bro!

Wow, very exciting for amazing giveaway announcement.
And I see many new users are starting their actions, we are going to success.

Posted using Partiko Android

One destination $7.77 STEEM
One journey Seven77
7 Pushups + 3 comments Daily

Together we 're going to make Seven77 Network to push our STEEM forward

I think we're really making waves really and slowly we're getting closer to the goals and thank for always taking time to forestall these breakdowns really, it's really a hardwork to constantly bring all these updates and trust me I appreciate the progress and I will be definitely available should you need me in any place, task or duty, thanks a whole lot for everything. And I basically have received your gift thanks a whole lot for empowering

Getting closer to initial Framework for PushBook model and I'll certainly be in touch soon

Let's together keep pushing our STEEM with Seven77 Network

Will definitely be looking forward and I'm glad we're making tremendous progress

Hi Nathan,
Twitter suspended my account 😡
I don't know how long...
Only for you being informed
Best regards

Posted using Partiko Messaging

I think you just need to verify your account to remove your suspension

It happened to me few 2 times earlier this year

Also my shadow banning from Twitter was automated Twitter system realise that I Tweets are spam/automated comments

Let's together learn how not to break Twitter rules

Yes, must be more careful...
And thank you very much for your gift

Posted using Partiko Android

Make sure your twitter profile is filled out completely. For every "no link" video you tweet, tweet several "linked" tweets. Interact with people "other than seven77" on twitter. Connect with people in your niche and location for example, and RT and reply to them. If you are doing a lot of "liking" you need to balance that with RT's and replies.

All of the above should help. Good luck!

Thank you very much! Waiting for my VPN recovery in the past few days, will continue on Twitter #SEVEN77

Posted using Partiko Android

Super happy to have you guys back on Twitter with Seven77

let's keep going

I saw what you did. Though I was not expecting it, thank you very much for the gift! 😊

I couldn't say more than great of your strategic vision and generosity. You started the movement and inspired many Steemians. I am sure more will be joining.

Cheers to pushing Steem and making it great again!

We're just getting started with Seven77

let's together keep pushing our STEEM with Seven77 Network

Can I finally comment? \o/ Finally, excited to be here. 7️⃣7️⃣💖😎 🕺🎶

Yes you can comment on my posts from today

Super excited for everyone with our Seven77 Network

Good times are ahead

We already started the good times since the beginning of 77 🚀📈

it's a pleasure to be with you nathan☺🎭

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Thanks a million

Let's keep our STEEM moving forward with Seven77 Network

Hey @nathanmars I would like to ask something.

Why our community name is Seven77?

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Thanks for asking

Almost a year ago, when I decided to give SP delegation to people who contributed to my STEEM journey I was walked pass 7-Eleven Convenience store & decided to delegate 777 SP as minimum

Seven77 journey of giving and building as started then

My own STEEM journey of building & giving as started almost 17 months ago. Failed so many times, tried so many things & I become antifragile (diamond). Now I'm going to win big with Seven77 & make everyone in Seven77 Network wins with me

I miss #seven77 challenge my Twitter account (@cryptosureville) was suspended 3 days now after I did all verification still restricted but I have sent an appeal. Don't know why I was suspended. All the same let keep pushing up and steem on

I got my own twitter account suspended twice this year and let's not break the Twitter rules

Welcome back to Seven77 Challenge Bro

I don't know if i break any rule was just trying to post my seven77 video my data network was not responding so stop and to try again after some hours only to see that i was suspended

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Firstly huge thanks to steem powered gift. Seven77 made huge waves on twitter. Then non Steemians attracted push up movement. I truly believe we can bring steem $7.77 reality before end of this year with mutual collaboration.

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Thanks for reminding

mutual collaboration

Let's seek out more & more collaboration with Seven77 to Push our STEEM to $7.77

Seven77 Network is positive sum game where everyone can win

Excited for the next annoucement.. Have a great day.Hi Bro @nathanmars

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I can't wait to announce the details of 5000 STEEM giveaway

Keep up the good work Bro

Everything is moving forward beautifully ♥ Very sorry for my recent absence this past week. But I've been paying attention and as always, I am very proud of this ongoing effort! It's wonderful to see the ideas and efforts form Our SEVEN77 Network! So much good has come from this movement. The passion and coming together as a Seven77 Family moves us closer to $7.77 and PushBook each and everyday ♥ Exciting times! Thank-you for everything @nathanmars

Yes together we're moving in the right direction

Please please never be sorry for being absence

Exciting times are coming to Seven77 Network

let's keep going & enjoy the Seven77 journey

Keep Calm means No Comments i thought ! :)

thanks for encouraging ! @nathanmars 💙

received the seven77 Gift last members ♩♬♬

invest to SBI for Better Tomorrow :)

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You deserve many more gifts bro

Keep up the good engagement with our Seven77 Family

@nathanmars Happy to B the Last person U don't Forget :) 💙 ♩♬

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5000 STEEM gift is coming this month & 1000 was just the stard

Keep up the good work & I will never forget you Bro


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I am thrilled!🙌 and thank you very much for the 7.77 STEEM gift!🙏😄

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Let's keep pushing our STEEM forward with Seven77 Network

It keeps improving with each iteration, thanks for your hard work @nathanmars.

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Your Thank you gift is on the way Bro

Yes we're keep improving our PushBook model iteration before take it to the next execution stage

Have a wonderful weekend

Thank you very much, and have an awesome weekend yourself.

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interesting post, @abduljalil.mbo likes to vote for your post, keep your work, happy surfing on steemit in esteemapp. have a nice day happy work @nathanmars

I don't want @abduljalil.mbo vote

I want @abduljalil.mbo participation in Seven77 Challenge

I'm very proud to work here...

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Doing 7 Pushups with Twitter
Leaving 3 comments with Steemit on Seven77 Network members

is our daily habit and let's keep up our good habit and improve every day

All the best!@nathanmars, thank you for gift 50 steems for the challenge!

Keep going with Seven77 Challenge dear

Nice giveaway🔥

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Hope to see you with Seven77 Challenge on Twitter soon


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Thank you

When are joining Seven77 Network ?

Excited to here the announcement ☺😊

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We're collectively building PushBook Startup everyday

Super excited for everyone in our Seven77 Network

Screenshot 2019-06-07 at 13.29.45.png

it's a long road for me to reach 77 but I'm confident that I can reach it by continue on believing that steem will reach 77.. keep it up sir, I and us will follow you on top..

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Let’s enjoy each day of Seven77 journey

We’ll be asking ourselves in few months

How did we arrive at our destination?

Let’s focus on improving our Daily Seven77 and $7.77 will take care itself

It's understandable how much effort you are giving and we the users are trying our best to keep up and as it seems we are walking towards making the project come to fruition (baby steps hmm) while appreciate brother your motivation and the supportive words at all times.
Thanks a bunch brother !! The gift is received (& powered up)

Thousands of Baby steps and handful of leaps will push STEEM to $7.77 with Seven77 Network

Constantly working on extremely simplifying the PushBook model

Truly appreciate your continuous unwavering contribution in my journey

Working together, investing ourself by collaborating each other, helping each other for steem could make things, everything possible, Get started and gain self value for the seven77 family and PUSHBOOK 9.0
Thank you Sir @nathanmars for being so generous.

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Coming together is a beginning
keeping together is progress
working together is success

We’re in the beginning of Seven77 Journey

Yay steem is going up and seven77 is gaining more users.

Yes we're collectively moving forward together

Seven77 still haven't started yet and it'll take off in the coming months

Let's keep the momentum going

I will and earning the points is fun

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I am very happy and encouraged to see the word love everywhere in seven77. Today one of my friends @edickreya joined seven77 and I'm really happy because we had fun filming the videos and supporting this great move with our dear friend @nathanmars7. A lot of love for everyone. 💜💗😘💝💕💖😚😍😀😁🎁💓💞💪💪🏃

Thanks a million dear

Let's keep pushing our STEEM


thanks so much for the steem. I really appreciate it. I'm trying my best to make people aware of seven77 and being supportive. It's a lot of fun!

You’re bringing tremendous value to our Seven77 Network

Truly appreciate your continuous contribution Dude

Let’s keep pushing our STEEM Forward

thanks. that's nice of you to say. I'm in it to win it. I have posted everyday for 2 years and I'm not stopping any time soon. I'm getting better at my outreach as well. thats what is important to me at the moment

Let the world know we are fucking serious with this!

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We'll Work hard Until we No Longer Have to Introduce STEEM to the world

Network effects & Compounding effect will help our Seven77 Network to push STEEM with PushBook

You're Doing Great Bro...!
Quit Busy with "Eid Celebration".
Tomorrow two of my friends will join our Twitter Movement.
😊 😊 😊

Happy Eid Bro

looking forward to seeing your friends in action with Seven77 Challenge on Twitter

Thank You...!
😊 😊 😊

Come Join the # seven77 family, there you will find many new friends, new knowledge and of course a very special gift 😉💪

I'll be sending you Seven77 Gifts soon bro

Keep going with Seven77 Challenge

Ofcourse my brother, I will keep my 💪😉

Thank you very much for your attention. The #seven77 movement has made me more confident about Steem especially with the #seven77 family.

An image you might like:

Look out for angel number 777 because this is a message from your angels

Thank you so much for the gift :) that'll help keep me able to do SBI contests for some time into the future :)

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I appreciate you Dude

Keep up the good work

I appreciate you as well. Your Herculean efforts are going a long ways towards improving the Steem platform :)

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😂😂 Missing out from all these gifts. Oh No! I need to get into the Steem777 family as soon as possible. Let's keep pushing Steem to $7.77 Fam ❤

Just added you to our Seven77 network

Looking forward to seeing in action with Seven77 Challenge soon

Wow! I'm so much filled with extreme joy right now. Seeing this news from you is as if I just as if I got a mail from the United State saying I've been employed for the job without even applying yet. I'm so grateful man for this opportunity man. You've broken so much protocol for me Man! I really appreciate you Nathan.

Here's a humble promise. I'm gonna make my first #seven77 push up video tonight with the help of my cousin's phone.

Thanks to my sister for encouraging me

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Thank you

Could you please confirm your Twitter handle please?

Thansk sir for your cordially organising Campaign.. Its a really great opportunity for our loving seven77 family..

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Screenshot 2019-06-07 at 13.21.11.png

Brilliant idea X Poor Execution = $77
Brilliant idea X Brilliant Execution = $7000000...

PushBook Business idea under execution

Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @nathanmars!

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