Push your post UP with @pushup bot!
From now on minimum bid is 1 STEEM or SBD.
Minimum bid had to be raised because too many bids were coming in and it was causing problems. Fewer bids per round will help bidders get their pushups sooner.
$750, every 2.5 hours.
Minimum bid: 1 STEEM or SBD.
Copy url in memo.
Post must be less than 6 days old.Current 100% @pushup ~
Joy bids 5 SBD.
Alice bids 2 SBD.
Tim bids 3 SBD.
Total bids: 10 SBD
Joy gets 50% @pushup.
Alice gets 20% @pushup.
Tim gets 30% @pushup.
Bot tracker has a bid calculator and shows when it is good time to bid.
For support contact pushup#7678 on Discord or leave a comment below.
Hi there @pushup! Just wanted to checkup on the status of a boosted post vote I have yet to receive from you. I used steembottracker.com and put in my bid around 40 minutes ago, but have yet to see the boost.
I noticed that my bid didn't show up under the "Last Round" tab either. Thanks in advance for looking into this for me!
Looks like your bid was refunded, not entirely sure why. Please try again.
Cool, got it. Thanks for the quick reply.
Thanks for update
Sent 2 SBD but you not upvote me. link:
please refund https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@elevator09/5a9tkq-colorchallenge-wednesday-yellow
Your bid could not be accepted and was refunded. Post must be less than 6 days old for a @pushup.
FYI steemit is having major issues. My bot has been commenting and sometimes not. Most of the time voting with the comment but sometimes not. @pushup commented but the upvote did not happen. Node issues right now suck... https://steemit.com/crypto/@steemthat/watch-the-new-1-minute-steemish-token-overview-video
Thanks for the warning. Your bid was refunded.
hey man, i paid 1.5sbd but never got my upvote! - cryptogrind transfer 1.500 SBD to pushup https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptogrind/secret-societies-that-control-the-world-or-illuminati-o
https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptogrind/secret-societies-that-control-the-world-or-illuminati-or got a @pushup.
dude i dont know why u have simply reposted my link, i see no upvote from u and im down by 1.5 sbd
Look again. That post got a @pushup 5 days ago.
@pushup: Hey Up there, your BOT has problems. I bid yesterday with a post 0 days old. In fact, I published and bid. And I have not get nor the Upvote nor the refund. What is going on??
Yes, sorry there were some network problems and your bid did not get processed. I refunded it. Please try again.
can i get a check on a bid i put i that hasn't come through yet please, its been over 6hrs ago, did it just before going to sleep and wake up to no joy, lol. thanks in advance
I am in the same situation it was the same bid that Mfxae, I did it around the same time, there are like 10 different users which did not get their vote. I bid 4 Steem for one post, since it failed I re-bid one hour later, but only one went through.
Which of your bids did not get a @pushup? Let me see the link please and I will check.
I have bid 2 times to you, the first was not voted and I tried again later for the same post. Thanks for checking!

That post got a @pushup about 19 hours ago.
Can you see my comment with a picture, there are 2 different bids, can you please return my 4 steem which were not upvoted please!
hi I am still waiting for the refund made 2 payments for one post, only got one...
Your bid was refunded. Please try again.
Thank you very much for your time to correct this for me.
great update @pushup
cool bot
That is good news @pushup
I am send you 4 hours ago 0.700 sbd for 7 post. but you are not upvote my post. plezz refund my sbd.
Your bids were refunded.
i send u 100 SBD... why u back me 100 SBD PUSHUP...???
Your bid of 0.1 SBD was refunded. Minimum bid now is 1 STEEM or SBD.
good job
hello @pushup please check yet not get vote
1 hour ago Transfer 1.500 SBD to pushup - https://steemit.com/predicts/@aaryaan/bitcoin-price-to-hit-usd100-000-in-2018-predicts-saxo-bank-analyst
That post got a @pushup.
Participate in this contesthttps://steemit.com/contest/@manojm/just-reached-100-followers-a-contest-win-0-5-sbd
Please don't spam. This thread is for @pushup related comments.
@pushup i sent you 0.1 sbd with few posts before your this post... please refund to all those people who have sent you ... thank you so much in anticipation
gooood gooood
All your bids got a @pushup about 11 hours ago.
I sent you 0.10 sbd 3 hour ago kindly refund it. ai shall be thankful
This post got a @pushup about 10 hours ago.
I sent you 0.100 sbd 4 hour ago kindly refund it or upvote my post please. . my link....
This post got a @pushup about 10 hours ago.
@pushup I sent 0.1 sbd two times for my two post totall 0.2 sbd. before this update.. Kindly refound please
Both of those posts got pushups before minimum bid increase.
This is so high bid for little minnows and also not profitable. Please @pushup decrease the minimum bid and give us the opportunity to bid again with a good profit.
Profitability does not change with bid size. It is just as profitable to bid larger amounts. Try it.
Sorry, minimum bid had to be raised. @pushup could not handle so many small bids.
Bad news for me
Could be good news for you. Try it.
If i bid 1SBD how much upvote value will be hope you answer meSuch a bad news @puchup you are the best but here you make the bad decision hope you return the old system soon
ROI does not change with bid size, it is just as profitable to bid with larger amounts.
Give it a try.
Sorry, it had to be done. @pushup could not handle so many small bids. @pushup gets many large bids (40 SBD was the largest so far).
so how much we can get for 1SBD?
10 times what you could get for 0.1 SBD.
100% @pushup is divided among bidders at the end of each round.
It is not true because 0.1SBD = 0.8x10 = 8$
And your upvote your real upvote 1SBD = 3.2$ is it 10 times ?
It is true.
For example:
Sam bids 1 SBD,
Bob bids 4 SBD.
Totals bids are 5 SBD.
@pushup value depends on amount of total bids collected in a round. Sam gets 20% @pushup, Bob gets 80% @pushup.
so if i sent 1 and 100 user sent 10 , i may get nothing?
Thank you for your good work @pushup
Thank you for returning the money.
@pushup Please Minimum bid is 0.1 STEEM or SBD.
Sorry, can't. @pushup can not handle many small bids.
@pushup by mistake I sent 1 sbd for a post which you voted 5 day ago... sorry for my mistake... refound please.... I will send it for my new post...
thanks you already refound it.. I notice now... you really a good bot...
Great job friend
1 SBD sent!
Transfer 1.000 SBD to pushup https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@mikej/investors-want-philippines-government-to-allow-freedom
This post got a @pushup about 1 hour ago.
Thank you Mr. Pushup!
thank you very much @pushup
hey man, where is my upvote!, i paid 1.5 sbd - cryptogrind transfer 1.500 SBD to pushup https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptogrind/secret-societies-that-control-the-world-or-illuminati-o
This post got a @pushup about 4 hours ago. https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptogrind/secret-societies-that-control-the-world-or-illuminati-or
NOTICE: if you bid 1SBD and get upvote value 2$ you will lose money no Profits here cause 2$ x 25% =0.5
2 - 0.5 = 1.5
1.5 / 2 = 0.75
0.75 - 1 bid = -0.25
So you will lose 0.25
If you want Profits 1SBD should be = 4 in the upvote value that is why pushup Raise the min price from 0.1 to 1sbd
Am i wrong pushup team 😉?
Why don't you try it, wait till payout and see how much you made. Then come back and tell.
You can track when it is good time to bid on
I tried it i see the payout today that is why i said that pushup
But you're didn't answer Am i wrong :) ?
I do not know if your calculations are correct or not.
Use bottracker to see when it is good time to bid. @pushup value depends on total bids collected. It changes from round to round.
There is no good time dear 😉 we will always lose with this bid value
@pushup is fairly shared among all bidders. Many people are happy with @pushup value they get.
I just sent you 2SBD I hope I get a generous upvote
Use bot tracker to see when it is good time to bid.
Everybody gets a share of @pushup depending on total bids collected in a round. http://steembottracker.com
Amazing friend
Help us like my friend
post got your comment but no upvote. It got me confused into sending another 10 sbd. :(Hi @pushup. My
I checked and both of your bids got pushups.
I sent you 0.5 SBD yesterday to push-up my vote, I wasn't aware you've increased your minimum bid, kindly refund or should I send another 0.5sbd?
Your bid was refunded.
You don't have my vote.Hello @pushup I have send 1SBD
Did I miss something?I checked and saw that your last bid was 3 days ago and it got a @pushup.
Yes you through it
I did a delivery twice, and only 1 time you vote
Please check back
I saw 2 bids and both got pushups.
Please give me url for post that did not get @pushup.
Many many thanks for update.
this post and you give me 1.36% upvote that gives me 2.27 sbd ..And after 6 days i will get less than 1 sbd refound ..And if there is decrease of the price of steem than it will create more loss for me ... DO you think that you have done right job for me ?@pushup i sent you 1 sbd for https://steemit.com/art/@ashikctg/the-art-of-dhaka-city
Wait till payout and compare your reward with your bid.Everybody gets a fair share of @pushup depending on how many bids are collected.
i send u 2.000 SBD... why u back me 2.000 SBD PUSHUP...??? Pls upvote me @pushup
Your bid was refunded. Please try again.
You don't have my vote.Hello @pushup I have send 4SBD.
please refund
Sorry, there was a network problem. Your bid was refunded. Please try again.
can i give you 6 days post url.how much maximum sbd can i send you @pushup
Send as much as you want.
Post must be less than 6 days old for a @pushup. You can use http://steembottracker.com/ to see when it is good time to bid and what bid size is profitable.
thank you so much for your information @pushup
Hi @pushup you didn't vote me in last round i was supposed to get 2 vote but i got 1 vote and the other 1 is not showning on next round .. Pleaser refund (1.000sbd) for 1 post
One of your bids was refunded because post was too old.
Can u check my sbd?
Your 3 bids were refunded. Please try again.
Abot 6 hours ago i send you 1 SBD with the memoHi @pushup
But i havent received upvote or Refund.
Please refund
Your bid was refunded. Please try again.
@pushup Yesterday I sent 1.00 SBD for https://steemit.com/photography/@pangur-ban/landscape-photography-chaotic-cataracts
I got a comment that I was upvoted, but no actual upvote. Please advise.
Due to network problems your post did not get a @pushup. Your bid was refunded. Please try again.
Two of my posts were not upvoted yesterday , I sent 1.00 steem to each , please check it out , thanks ! heres the links :
And :
https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@karenmckersie/color-challenge-friday-blue-3-happy-tgif-giphys-i-created-my-fav-blue-bitmojis https://steemit.com/popcontest/@karenmckersie/update-steemit-power-of-positivity-p-o-p-contest-23-big-payout
Sorry, your bids could not be processed. I refunded both of them. Please try again.
Ok , although i dont know why, !?
Sorry, we had some technical issues. Please try again.
Please return my money then , they are now way past the time i neeed the upvotes to keep them active ! thanks !
Ok I recieved it now thanks !
Greetings! I sent 7 SBD to PushUp 11 hours ago to get an Upvote on this memo
Upvote Has Yet To Be Received. I would Like To Ask For A Refund.https://steemit.com/womenspeakout/@esaia.mystic/wombmen-speak-out-or-we-create-life-we-create-law
Sorry, your bid could not be accepted and was refunded. Please try again.
Hello @pushup iam already send 2SBD for 2post.16 hours ago but I don't receive your up vote... please refund my 2 SBD Memo:https://steemit.com/song/@timu12/best-bangla-song Memo:https://steemit.com/cook/@timu12/3r4yhg-how-to-make-pizza
Sorry, due to technical issues your bids could not be processed. Both were refunded. Please try again.
Two of my posts were not upvoted yesterday , I sent 1.100 sbd and 1.09 sbd to each , please check it out , thanks ! heres the links :
https://steemit.com/science/@sharif77/blood-tests-will-be-identified-in-eight-types-of-cancer https://steemit.com/mobile/@sharif77/nokia-s-surprise-coming-again
please upvote or Refund.
Sorry, due to technical issues your bids could not be processed. Both were refunded. Please try again.
No problem ok
Hello! Bot did not vote and did not return 1SBD. Check, please!

Sorry, your bid could not be accepted and was refunded. Please try again.
Thank you for the quick response! I'll try again).