Of course and I understand what your saying but with time and old ways comes new ways. We couldn't live with the same laws and same ways of the old age. It just wouldn't work in some areas but in others it would
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So am i to understand you, you accept the FRAUD of Law of the Sea?
With all due respect, I do not believe you do understand. Law of the Sea goes back to 1200s. Law of the Land was whole New concept by the Founding Fathers, that is what made America so GREAT. Lincoln sold our Country out. Because of him WE know live under Military Rule Law called LIEBER CODE within Law of the Sea.
Law of the Sea has been force upon America. Law of Sea is for corporations ONLY. THEY have made all men and women corporations, they do this at birth when Mother signs a birth registration. Proof is the ALL CAPS NAME on your Birth Certificate and drivers license, that name is not yours. It belongs to the state. You are NOT taught to spell YOUR name in ALL CAPS. Yet you are force to use it. ALL FRAUD. That is unacceptable.