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RE: This is not a War. This is a slaughter of the innocents.

in #putin3 years ago (edited)

According to your theory of warfare all you need to do to win a war is to refuse to surrender when you've lost and your enemy has to stop fighting because then he would be a "monster" "killing innocents".

That's not the way the warfare works!

In "civilised" warfare (according to the Genva Conventions etc) professional armies fight and respect POW and civilian status and countries surrender once their professional armies are beaten.

But if you don't surrender and you arm civilians, you will not win by holding your people hostage and daring the enemy to kill them. You will just get huge numbers of people killed and no amount of social media whining will save them.

The true monsters are the people encouraging Zelinsky to refuse to surrender.


Assuming you're an Israeli (because of you're profile info) , you wouldn't mind if Israel is invaded by neighboring Arab countries and would call criminal and monster Israel government for not surrendering and trying to mount a defense.

Arab countries have attempted to invade Israel many times and Israel has defended itself at its borders using a professional army that obeyed the laws of war.

Israel has compulsory military service which means that its population is militarily trained and puts on a uniform and obeys the military chain of command when it goes to fight. It does not hide illegal (out of uniform, no military structure or disciple) combatants in civilian populations nor place heavy weaponry next to apartment blocks.

It is precisely because no one else did or would defend Israel if it was invaded that Israel maintains such a large and powerful military (more tanks than all EU countries combined).

Moreover, Russia has not threatened to exterminate the Ukranians like the Arab armies threatened to Israeli Jews. It wants to integrate them.

Surrender is a very reasonable option for Ukraine - it has lived under Russian control for most of the last 1000 years and has not done so badly out of it.
Surrender was never an option for Israel.


I see. In your logic It’s the Ukrainian fault that Putin is killing them all. Got it.

It is the Ukrainian GOVERNMENT'S fault that Ukrainian people are dying unnecessarily and pointlessly because they refuse to surrender.

I guess Israel should've had surrendered to Hamas after that raid from a few days ago instead of retaliating.

Israel can win and will win.
It is by far the stronger party and is not reliant on external aid to fight.
Ukraine can't win and is the weaker power.
It is completely reliant on external help.

Also Russia, at least initially, didn't want to destroy all of Ukraine. It just wanted provinces that were 90%+ Russian.

Hamas wants to and will kill every Israeli, Jew, Thai worker, baby or any human they encounter.