Introducing Single Staking for PWR

in #pwr2 months ago


First of all, Happy New Year everyone!

Today I'm bringing something fresh and probably unexpected, which I'm sure everyone involved with PWR will surely enjoy.

If you've been following me for a while, you probably know that with my projects I like to stay agile, try to adapt to changes and play a lot of trial and error (until it works!).

This is one of those ''trial/error'' tries. You know, you can't stop grinding.

For that reason... let me introduuuuuuuuce... (!)

Single Staking for PWR!


Background & Current Situation.

For more than a year, the main way to introduce new PWR's into circulation has been via Hive Power delegations.

This way of working has been a success (and still is) since it allows a project to work in a semi-sustainable way and to involve participants with a more long-term vision (since you require Hive Power, and therefore have the handicap of the unstake of 3 months and a week).

This also comes with the obvious problem that you lose a lot of market exposure, as your product stops appealing to a lot of people.

Now that inflation coming through delegations is at very low levels + plus a good chunk of people undelegated I believe we are in a great place to make holding PWR more attractive.

Normally I would be against paying rewards ''for the sake of paying rewards''. But I think I have found a way to make the scheme extremely attractive to all participants. So I want to try it.

Let's get down into the matter.

Single Staking; Explained

Single staking isn't a new concept. You basically lock up tokens for a certain period of time and you get a % of interest. In many chains this is commonly known as ''Proof of Stake''.

This is also the case with PWR (not the PoS part though). You simply stake it and you get more of it.

Let's start for the first obvious question.

For how long I have to stake?
(rephrased): How long is the unstaking period?

And the answer is just one day. Yes, one (1).

You would stake PWR as you would do with any other Hive-Engine token. I recommend using the Beeswap interface .

pwr stakingdef.png

You can lock your PWR into the staking contract, reap the rewards for as long as you wish and when you're tired (or have your reasons to go) you can start the unstaking process and have 100% of your PWR bag fully liquid in 24 hours.

I don't like unnecessarily long unstaking times. These are more of a drawback for this project of mine which (for now) relies on keeping a peg. For that reason I kept that time as low as possible.

And the second one:

What do I get?

A variable APR paid hourly in PWR tokens (liquid).
More on this below:

Some Numbers...

PWR relies on the Mining Contract from Hive-Engine. This means that their 'staking' works in the same way as other Hive-Engine project with miners.

Only difference is that PWR itself IS the miner.

To start with, I have allocated 0.5 PWR every hour* as the ' staking reward ' to be shared among 20 'winners'.

  • *Every PWR staked it's a 'lottery ticket' eligible to receive it's fair share of this 0,5 PWR.
    in practice this means the mining contract is spreading 20 tx hourly of 0,025 PWR each. More PWR staked increases the predictability of the expected average.


  • These PWR are freshly minted, so yes. This is adding to yearly inflation.
    0,5 PWR/hour => 4380 PWR/year which relative to our circulating supply of 110K tokens represents a ~ 4% in added inflation.


so you're going to pay a ~4% to PWR holders, isn't that much of a deal isn't it?


Think about the following... there's not really that much available PWR out there. The biggest chunk out there is already farming the pool and PWR can't be staked and pooled at the same time.

And yes, is completely expected that the APR for staking will be initially high, but how much PWR is realistically out there available for staking? 10K? 20K PWR maybe? I would be frankly surprised to see +25K PWR staked right off the bat.

Which means...

This means market participants will have to choose between the liquidity pool or the single staking option.

  • ~4K PWR rewards shared between 10K tokens staked => ~40% APR for stakers.
  • If 20K tokens staked => ~20% APR for stakers.
  • If 30K => ~13% APR


But at the same time... if LP's exit partially the pool it's APR increases proportionally.
Incentives at both sides or ''symbiotic-tokenomics'' as I like to call it.

Soft Launch already Live; full force in minus 7 days.

The feature is already LIVE and you can start staking your PWR.

As a preventive measure, I've staked 5K PWR from the Protocol Owned Liquidity to avoid someone staking 1 PWR and getting all the rewards for himself and getting infinity APR all of these hours (while I'm testing things with the machine functioning and while I prepare this post).

It would be fun tho, would make someone's day :)


  • Staking for PWR enabled.

  • Current APR is ~80% (only 5K PWR staked).

  • In a few days and as more people stakes his PWR I'll remove those 5K PWR staked from the project (approx in ~7 days or by the next monthly report).

Consider this as a 'Soft launch'. Enjoy!


@commentrewarder set up as beneficiary (3%).


Great way to distribute rewards and make use of the miner contract. Bots fail all the bots but miners have almost 0 downtime and missed transactions.

I think i'll keep SPI in the LP for a while longer.

Let's keep building.


Let's say that I want to put some hivies into a Spinvest umbrella project, which one I should pick sir? :)

I have only 1 demand; liquidity.

I should get back into PWR

took these posting rewards from the comment and join us again sir

I am always kinda low on funds, so it will be over time I think :P

But yes! I will do that, haha thanks!

''over time'' is better than never! Try it and you can always get out fast :)

I can see that I had 20 PWR at some point, but I think I got out of PWR to buy Dbond xD

I wish Hive had a DCA feature. Weather its implimented into Peakd, Keychain or just a Bot you could sent Hive/HBD to via Peakd's recurrent feature to DCA into tokens automatically

That's a very good idea.

I might try to develop this in my free time (which is not that much btw).

Thanks! :D

Even if it was just a bot, it would fit perfectly into Keychain's auto-stake feature.

You could make the bot and just allowed it to only process PWR tokens as a test :P haha.

I wouldn't even might if the bot took a small fee for the compute power since it would solve some pain and be very convinient for some of us at least. (+ The Swap fee from the swaps projects ofc)

Legit, if you didn't need the small fee, it could play a role in increasing PWR :D

I'll just stay in the pool lol


Lol. Yeah I sold hive at pump, staked pwr. 😂😂😂


buy @gifu btw, we are all going to valhalla

No you

Very interesting project, I need to start getting myself into PWR too :)

Take this upvote and buy some PWR!


Trying now!

Having almost all my few PWR in the pool, I have to think, if this make sense for me. But I definitely like the new option! :)

You can always try both.

Take this upvote and feel free to try, you'll see it's very smooth!

Just looked... Seems like big players might be waiting for the 5k PWR to be removed. I staked part of my PWR, but kept more in the LP for now.

Interesting idea of distributing using the mining contract!

Most big players like to chill into the LP for liquidity reasons, staking is much more suitable for smaller players IMHO.

Try it and let me know how it feels!

Take some love

Just like in the last update post you made, I decided to ape in and get myself some 100 PWR. So you're saying I can actually stake this 100 PWR for some APR? I like that the unstaking period is one day though.

Yes, that's true sir.

You can stake those 100 PWR and you should be receiving a bit more than ~50% APR at the time of writing this comment.

Have a good day!

Done! Here we go!

I've pulled a bit of LBI's liquidity out to have some stake. The goal for us is long term LP growth, as I pull the HIVE portion of the yield out for our income distribution. But Having another way to earn (mint/mine whatever name you like) PWR is nice.

Made growing the @lbi-pwr wallet a more interesting game - nice move.

Staked the first ones available in the wallet. Keep on building, both, the pool and the staked, besides the delegation.

Welcome aboard captain! Ah, and happy new year to you and your loved ones Alex :)

Gracias amigo, same to you!!

I've switched from LP to staking, seems easier and now I can double my holdings from the swap.hive side of the LP as well. poggers

Good move! Any question, don't hesitate to ask.

Btw, ure playing factorio now? I'm having a blast with Space Age

Yeah it's been good fun so far, got to play more eventually but I'm juggling quite a few games at the moment. xD

I think I really need to buy the dlc and invest more of my time into factorio haha.

~580 hours into it (~80 into the DLC) and I'm enjoying it a lot. heavily recommended. Worth every penny.

I still have feelings with @edicted for making me discover cracktorio.

bro I made it to the shattered planet
oh... my... god...
it's way harder than it looks lol

Haha yep I will only optimize this little part and then go to sleep ... 4h later xD

I have to check it out!

Try it, u won't regret ;)

I'm going to swap from the LP to staking and see how it goes :) getting more PWR looks like a good deal 🤣



Got my first mining rewards and I think I will combine LP and staking. The staking apr should be higher than the LP apr atm but I like having swap.hive in the pool especially if hive pumps again for 20-30% xD

Combining both is a winning strategy for sure.

Note that APR for now is very high (60-80% or so approx) and the unstaking time is very low (did I say 1 day enough?).

If for ''reasons'' people don't wake up in 7 days by the time I retire the 5K from vventures from the staking pot the APR will go up by a lot.

There's currently like ~2K PWR staked -> that would be a ~200% APR jeez

You are making it very hard for me not dropping more of the LP for staking xD
Maybe a little bit more haha

Your stake, your decision.

Take a bit of additional upvoting love my dear

Ohhh fun news!! My pooled assets will stay there, but already staked all the available PWR... the whole 0,5 of it! :))) More to come in a near future. Feliz Año Nuevo, amigo!! !BBH

Feliz año!

Decirte que si la cantidad stakeada es baja, es posible que tarde algún tiempo en ver los primeros ingresos por staking, peor deberían irse promediando a medida que pase el tiempo.

Cualquier duda, pregunta!

Incrementaré la cantidad en staking pronto; no hay prisa de nada, apoyar el projecto ya es suficiente! Saludos!

👍🏻 Ok Sounds interesting, will try that myself. Can you also stake PWR via Keychain App or PeakD?

Yep, you can stake through any of those two options, just checked.


Ps. Don't fade @gifu

👍🏻 Cool, yeah found it. Good offer, will therefore do a post about it too.

And happy new year for you as well! 😊🤝🏻

If we only had a decent incentives machine as a L1 lol

Have a blasting Saturday Thomas!

Thanks a lot, you too! 👍🏻

Beeswap interface is great because power turns into liquidity in a day, The current reward is 80% Which really surprises me. Your project is amazing.

Thanks sir, hopefully it keeps improving over time.

Any doubt, don't hesitate to ask :)

The APR rate is generous for early stage stakers. It may be preferable.

@pardinus likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/1)@empoderat! to your account on behalf of @pardinus.

(html comment removed: )

@empoderat, I paid out 0.698 HIVE and 0.363 HBD to reward 28 comments in this discussion thread.

Was made aware of this through the LBI report, very interesting! Was building the LP position but am often short on swap.hive as I'm always adding to multiple pools and buy new HE tokens too.

So staking some is probably gonna be a good option for those times, hell, might even set it to auto stake for a bit in keychain to start out and see how it does

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

ure welcome. Any doubt, ask!