Hey @bsameep! Please do format the code, makes it easier to read. :D
You can check the previous submissions for reference.
Also, the limit is 400000, not 40000.
Hey @bsameep! Please do format the code, makes it easier to read. :D
You can check the previous submissions for reference.
Also, the limit is 400000, not 40000.
Hey sorry, but the code will work if u change 40000 to 400000... Here is the updated one...
len <- 100
fibvals <- numeric(len)
fibvals[1] <- 1
fibvals[2] <- 1
for (i in 3:len)
if(fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2] > 400000)
fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2]
len = len+1
sum(fibvals[fibvals %% 2 ==0])
Right now m holidaying at Western coastal area... Won't get chance to run d code n reproduce the answer...
Umm okay, do try formatting it for readability though.