On publish0x platform, you can change tipping % and this is the last visualization, 80% author and 20% me.
Publish0x is a Free ETH tipping blogging platform and I was hoping to find some interesting tipping strategy for doing this visualization.
- 20% to author / 80% to me (Result here)
- 50% to author / 50% to me (Result here)
- 80% to author / 20% to me (This post)
to see how ETH tipping value is going to be affected.(also BAT and LRC tokens)
80/20 is my default tipping % because I don't have to move the slider up and down.
It is just too much work me to slide this for each post I want to tip, and also I think if I like a post, author deserve get most of the tip. (and i want something for tipping 🤣)
But anyway, here is the data I collected for this post.
# 80/20
tipping_data = {
'1': {
'eth': [0.00003438, 0.00000871],
'bat': [0.0139],
'lrc': [0.0096, 0.0096, 0.0097, 0.0097]
'2': {
'eth': [0.00001311, 0.00000655, 0.00000655, 0.00000648, 0.00000648],
'bat': [0.0052],
'lrc': [0.0297]
'3': {
'eth': [0.00002987, 0.00001493, 0.00000747],
'bat': [0.0062, 0.0061],
'lrc': [0.0076, 0.0076, 0.]
'4': {
'eth': [0.00003259, 0.00000827, 0.00000827],
'bat': [0.0065],
'lrc': [0.0185, 0.0094, 0.0092]
'5': {
'eth': [0.00003269],
'bat': [0.0127, 0.0063],
'lrc': [0.0089, 0.0089, 0.0095, 0.0095]
'6': {
'eth': [0.00003415, 0.00001708, 0.00000854, 0.00000850, 0.00000850, 0.00000809],
'bat': [0.0066],
'lrc': []
'7': {
'eth': [0.00001641, 0.00000821, 0.0000809],
'bat': [0.0063, 0.0063],
'lrc': [0.0318, 0.0079]
Feed this data into my python plotly script. Looks like this 👇
You can also see the graph here.
Tipping earning avg is about ~$0.03 a day.
This was the week that ETH and all the other coins went down so if it were up, the daily avg could have been more than $0.03, but still an improvement from $0.02 a day 😂 4 months ago.
Publish0x used to change payout coins depends on how you tip, how much you tip so that if you do 80/20, you would BAT more than other coins, or 20/80 you would get more LRC...etc and stuff.
But when Publish0x implemented ETH tipping, I guess they change the payout so that you will get more ETH than any other coins regardless of how you tip.
Damn, there is no tipping hack or trick that I could find 🤣
Maybe they will change this in the future... so I might try this again some time.
If you are interested in Publish0x
Join here 👇 You can use their payout to Power Up 😉

Here is the script for the chart.
from tip_data import tipping_data
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import requests
import statistics
def get_price(id):
# Call coingecko API to get usd price
base_url = 'https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price'
eth_url = '?ids=ethereum&vs_currencies=usd'
bat_url = '?ids=basic-attention-token&vs_currencies=usd'
lrc_url = '?ids=loopring&vs_currencies=usd'
if id == 'ethereum':
r = requests.get(base_url + eth_url, timeout=3)
except Exception as err:
print("Exception Error:", err)
return 0.0
elif id == 'basic-attention-token':
r = requests.get(base_url + bat_url, timeout=3)
except Exception as err:
print("Exception Error:", err)
return 0.0
elif id == 'loopring':
r = requests.get(base_url + lrc_url, timeout=3)
except Exception as err:
print("Exception Error:", err)
return 0.0
return 0.0
return r.json()[id]['usd']
def main():
eth_price = get_price('ethereum')
bat_price = get_price('basic-attention-token')
lrc_price = get_price('loopring')
eth_amount = 0.0
bat_amout = 0.0
lrc_amount = 0.0
days = []
eth_data = []
bat_data = []
lrc_data = []
total_data = []
for key in tipping_data:
eth_amount = f"{sum(tipping_data[key]['eth']) * eth_price:.3f}"
bat_amout = f"{sum(tipping_data[key]['bat']) * bat_price:.3f}"
lrc_amount = f"{sum(tipping_data[key]['lrc']) * lrc_price:.3f}"
days.append('Data ' + key)
tip_total = float(eth_amount) + float(bat_amout) + float(lrc_amount)
avg_total = f"${statistics.mean(total_data):.3f}"
eth_data = list(map(float, eth_data))
avg_eth = f"${statistics.mean(eth_data):.3f}"
print('AVG_ETH: ' + avg_eth)
bat_data = list(map(float, bat_data))
avg_bat = f"${statistics.mean(bat_data):.3f}"
print('AVG_BAT: ' + avg_bat)
lrc_data = list(map(float, lrc_data))
avg_lrc = f"${statistics.mean(lrc_data):.3f}"
print('AVG_LRC: ' + avg_lrc)
# Daily tipping bar chart
fig = go.Figure(data=[
go.Bar(name='BAT', x=days, y=bat_data),
go.Bar(name='ETH', x=days, y=eth_data),
go.Bar(name='LRC', x=days, y=lrc_data)],
Publish0x Tip 50% Author 50% Me Earning Avg: {avg_total}
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{y:.3f}', textposition='outside')
name='Tip Total',
# Change the bar mode
# barmode='stack',
xaxis_title="Tip Data",
yaxis_title="$ Amount",
legend_title="Crypto Tips",
# fig.write_html('chart-20-80.html', auto_open=True)
fig.write_html('chart-50-50.html', auto_open=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Nice data set. It's unfortunate that there is no trick this time. Who knows, maybe when they introduce another coin 😅
They should add BLURT next time lol
I approve 💯%.
This message is sponsored by the Blurt Gang
🤣 🤣 🤣
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