Well, I just started a course on OOP with Python. Up until this point I had a lot of trouble grasping the concepts of, attributes and objects relating to classes but, I think I got it.
Can any Python experts comment below and let me know what you think about my first useful class with methods.
# This is a test class made on 7/6/2017.
# Creates a class called User and sets, attributes for name and birth.
# Calculated how old user is and if their "oldenough" < 25 returns False.
# Alot of this is to just test things out
class User:
#Birthday in yyyymmdd format
def __init__(self, name, birth):
self.name = name
self.birth = birth
self.byear = birth[0:4]
#Checks year current year minus year born returns year born
def yearsold(self):
year = 2017
age = year - int(self.byear)
return age
#returns False if younger than 25, and True for older than 25
def oldenough(self):
if self.yearsold() < 25:
return False
return True
#Assigning an object called Ted to User with the required attributes
ted = User("Ted", "19941013")
rick = User("Rick", "18011230")
print('.' * 25)
#checks if the user is old enough
#just wanted to test things out
if ted.oldenough() != True:
print("Sorry {} you're only {} years old!".format(ted.name,ted.yearsold()))
print("Access Granted to: {}".format(ted.name))
Upvote!:) Good stuff, hope to see you more often here. Also, did you know that there are only 3 sets of letters on a keyboard which are in alphabetical order (f g h, j k l, and o p)!
I didn't know that. Now I do. Thanks!