How to use custom broadcast id sm_gift_cards on splinterlands with Python

in #python3 years ago

Hey y'all I just want to ask if someone can help me use custom broadcast id

all I want is to transfer card to another account

heres my code:

from beem import Hive
import json
import requests
import sys
import os


def broadcast_sm_gift_cards(hive: Hive, user: str, to: str, cards):
    request = {"to": "edmark1",
               "cards": ["C3-248-C04CC197HS"],

    trx: dict = hive.custom_json("sm_gift_cards", json_data=request,
    return trx["trx_id"]

user = "this_is_my_user"
posting = "postine_key"
active = "active_key"

hive = Hive(keys=[active])

transaction_id = broadcast_sm_gift_cards(hive, user, "edmark1", ["C3-248-C04CC197HS"])


And I'm stuck on this problem its seems that my code is not working what should I do?