This definitely sounds anti-Trump. Or maybe just so disillusioned with corrupt government that she can't see Trump's motives as any different than any other president's..? And this particular government, our Republic, as proven not the solution...?
But what if she's wrong? What if there really IS a counter-coup going on between the Shadow government/Deep State/Establishment/Globalists whatever? Anarchists, Socialists doesn't matter. They're all anti-American (if you define our Republic as not anywhere near as flawed as all of their multitudes of various 'better' ways of how 300M people can co-exist as peacefully as possible with eachother and the World, would be if actually put into practice.
I don't think Trump has ANY intention of war with Iran. I actually think that Trump is leading the pack in 'colaborating with' governments like Saudia Arabia to drain 'their' swamps like he is ours so that maybe the people of the World, once rid of the old corrupt globalist power structure actually CAN live more at peace?
Idk. There sure seems to be alot of breadcrumbs by Q that add up. It's not completely out of the realm of possibility that this counter-coup is real and that for once, we are actually 'not' being lied to but rather kept in the loop?
I don't say this blindly. And I don't base it on just speculation. When you look at the evidence great independent journalists/investigators like Crowdsource the Truth, or George Webb, DTI, and even intelligence agents themselves are telling us. How can it not be the case? So many avenues of FACT does nothing 'but' lead you there even when you try not to. Of course with a healthy amount of skepticism along the way to test your perceptions.
I want this to be true therefore I consciously make ongoing effort to find more rational/possible scenarios that would prove me wrong. Like thinking exactly like this woman in the video. But she's discounting too much meta data that shows her 'hyper'-skepticism. To the point that she can't see whats right in front of her!
I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Amen brother
A lot going on in the clip, which I can't verify, see Max Keiser on the Keiser Report. He sums it up succinctly - Iran, North Korea and Russia are not integrated into the global economy. Running out of places to exploit. Sovereignty / ownership of assets of EU countries is being erroded (Greece)... Legacy financial system that exploits, will it decline with decentralized Crypto? I think so.
Any newer than 4 year old videos on Max? What does he say now in 2017?
The Keiser Report is on 3 times a week. I watch this every week on RT - it is available online if you miss it. I've quoted what I have seen in episodes within the last 6 months. Ignoring Max's hyperbole, most of what he says seems very rational, plausable and unbiased assesment of economic theory that is not in standard text books, and ignored by politicians.
Thanks! I'll check it out but I'm sooo busy. Check out my youtube videos on my blog here. I just got laid off and I'm trying to make a few bucks off their ad revenue. Good videos too...;)
OK broke my readers (glasses) going to skate down to the dollar store get some more and read this ! Thanks for following me, I have followed you back!
Thanks! It's a bit confusing trying to keep up with followers and friends. Looks like they made it better now that there's a people I follow homepage or whatever. I keep seeing some very nice design and helpful customizations changes going on with Steemit's css...?