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RE: Scam is never the solution: work hard

in #q7 years ago (edited)

I've been scammed a few times and this makes me more of a cynicist most of the time when it comes to trusting people. When I see someone too eager to get a benefit from me, or too dismissive about my questions about the part of the deal that benefits me, I usually just put a scammer tag on their foreheads and stop talking to them.

So, if someone offers you someone that seems way too beneficial for you compared to what you're giving, always ask yourself about where the other person would take benefit. Scammers usually act as if the response to our questions were obvious or as if we weren't able to understand complex talk about the specific details of the transactions.

I haven't been scammed in years and I think I've learned my lessons. A bit of distrust is never too much. If it seems too good to be true, it usually is, but don't just leave it at that. Always make your own research.


Scamming is not a lazy choice but one with a lot of effort and high revenue. It's for people who don't care about others. I tell you, though, they tend to have a thorough understanding of what they're doing. Even though many may be lazy, there are many educated scammers. Don't think that lack of knowledge is always a sign of scamming. You'll be in for a big surprise.

like you said, it is not a lazy choice. sometimes, they put in lot of hours trying to scam people and have nothing to show for it until they finally get a victim. they usually work hard and long at it, and have the patience to bait their prey. I think that it would be in the best interest of a person to be contented with what he or she has like @ehiboss has said, and then, work hard and diligently towards goals.