Come on Sean, we all know that you put out good content, but give a little back to the community. Is it so hard to find ten people to upvote a day? You sure do get enough upvotes, to find some. Just choose ten randomly if need be, but you have done three upvotes this week. Please don't just take from Steemit but also give back to your viewers. Just a thought. No hate intended. Have a lovely day... Please don't upvote me. That is not my intention. It's just the principal of the thing. If you don't use your "power" others will get to choose for you.
Yep, I fully agree. I rarely see Sean upvote the people that come to his page to comment. As you've said, it costs nothing to upvote. The bare minimum Sean can do is upvote the people that contribute to his comments. This encourages people to keep supporting him. Even better is if he regularly upvotes those minnows that produce similar truth telling content on Steemit.
Just thought it needed to be said. He can do whatever he wants. I don't care. I'll respect him for the content he puts out regardless. I probably could have worded it more eloquently, but it was well past midnight when I wrote it.
It was a totally fair comment. I really believe the least that people can do is upvote the guys that comment on their blogs. They don't even need to write anything. This takes no time at all and supports the guys that support them.
btw N_& N_ , You got a +1 from me.
Always appreciate your contribution here at Steemit.
Thanks a lot X. I also appreciate all your inputs as well. I fully understand that Sean is busy. The vast majority of us are, including me. I certainly don't write here because it's my business. I write here because I make time to inform people of the truth they need to hear. It's because the world we share is in serious danger and we need to do everything we can to stop it.
I just have one recommendation to Sean - just upvote those that take the time to comment on your blog. These are people that care about your content and support it. It takes almost zero time to do this, and no writing is even needed. It's that simple. I'll leave it at that.
I'm just-gonna-say, I am glad you reminded me imjustsaying to upvote Sean's channel here at steemit.
I'm here at steemit to 1st & foremost to support Sean in his endeavors.
Upvotes are a key in financing 'Great Content'.
Sean gives us that 24/7 thru his Phaser, SGT Report, Liberty Mill, etc.
Sean also, puts his neck-on-the line day in, day out.
He EARNS every nickel He gets from us.
&, when it comes to Time, Sean is extremely generous with us.
Don't be 'stingy' mjustsaying.
Thanks Sean.
Wisdom & Insight are reserved for the very few, as YOU know.
Wishing YOU & Family the Very Best.
You misunderstand his point, friend.
It costs nothing - to upvote other comments, ( 10 upvotes takes 4 minutes)...and gives something back to people, to help steemit grow.
Wow @x-veritas, your quick to shoot from the hip. Did I attack him, or say that he doesn't "deserve" the upvotes or money that he gets? No in fact I said that we all agree he puts out good content. Did I say that he should respond to everyone, and give us more of his time? No I didn't. I actually said that he could just choose ten randomly, if he choose the last ten replies it would take less than one minute to do.
I even said that I was only suggesting something and with no hate intended. I like Sean, I wouldn't upvote him if I didn't. He is a grown man, I just thought that I could talk to him as such. I would speak to my best friend in the same manner. It's just that the way steemit is set up, if he doesn't vote for 10 things a day his vote is wasted. Since it costs him nothing but one minute to do it, I though I would suggest it. I've seen him flag people he disagreed with so I didn't think it was a problem suggesting he use his power to reward some of his commenters.
I have nothing but respect for him, but I'm going to call it like I see it. I know that if he was to vote for ten of his commenters each day that would grow his channel even further. Now he is free to do or not do whatever he desires. I even asked that he please not upvote me. So I'm not exactly sure where you get off saying that I'm being "stingy."
I'm not sure why you feel the need to belittle me.
One can know nothing of what Wisdom and Insight one may or may not possess, unless one looks at what they have said. There are many ways other than posting videos people try to unshackle the minds of the enslaved.
Sean If my comment was offensive to you, that was not my intention. Please forgive me for any offense I may have caused.
I would urge you to consider what I have said, even if in my saying it, I had missed the target.
I'm sorry if You took my 'words' as a an ad hominem attack.
I wanted to make one, meaning everyone, to take only a moment to 'reflect' on why it is Sean is lousy at giving his serious readers/commenters sufficient TIME for a reply and perhaps an upvote.
If You haven't noticed, when Sean does make a few replies, his spelling/grammar has a mistake or 2.
Why's that?
The simple answer to that is, He's either 'rushing it' and/or possibly he has dyslexia.
He WRITES always short sentences & structures his presentation in the short; no eloquent and long winded monologues to read when Sean is writing.
Or am I wrong and exaggerating?
Be Cool.
Be Happy:
Life's too short to worry.
Best is always to literally 'read between the lines*.
Cheers X-
LOL I'm very familiar with dyslexia. I don't expect him to respond to everyone, as that would take heaps of time. My point is it's very easy to upvote people who comment on your feed, you don't even have to leave your homepage as you can just upvote from there. That being said perhaps he doesn't want to accidentally "reward" someone without fully reading what they say, that's fair enough. Like I said he can do whatever he wants, it's his voting power. I probably should have started out my comment with "May I suggest" as apposed to "come on Sean."
I guess It was just the straw that broke the camel's back, as far to many Ytubers just post stuff here and ignore their audience. I shouldn't have singled him out for the "sins" of his peers. I believe that he is doing his best to inform people.
Steemit is just such a great platform that really has the possibility to bring free speech back to the internet. I want people even in just the smallest ways to try to encourage people to use it. YT and the likes are being purged, if enough people don't make the transfer over, where will we be able to interact and share the "real news" with each other. For the new users getting a 50 cent upvote from one of their favorite truthers on occasion, really makes a huge difference. That is what I was trying to suggest.
btw, do me a favour. please take the time to LISTEN to the following. i'm old and my health isn't the best.
Max Igan's explanation about LIFE are well worth your's and everyone's time:
I'm trying to work my way through it. I would guess that he has similar views as my own. It might take me a bit to get through it, as I find it hard to find an uninterrupted hour to ingest a video these days. I followed him.
In a nut shell my views are: Always look at the macro level, for the micro level will never allow you to see the whole chess board. Nothing is as it seems, there are more wolves in sheep's clothing than there are sheep. Never allow yourself to think inside the box. Most importantly never underestimate the levels the powers at be will go to deceive us. This all makes sense when we recognize that the "god of this world," is also the father of all lies. So it only makes sense that his children would be put into positions of power.
Fair Enough.
Thanks for the clarification too.
It's extremely important WE have a good understanding of what someone is tryin' to say.
Believe Me. I know.
am. English is my mother tongue and I've been 'living abroad' my whole adult life.
Been that way for 40 years now.
Nuances & Tone are sometimes difficult to pick up on when it comes to the written word.
Especially when presented with the short-form presentations that abound nowadays; i.e. twitter and mini-screens on people's iphones.
;) X-
This is the voluminous discourse that you people have spent quite sometime engaging on? I think the subject matter of this video might garner even one sentence of comment? You people are sick.
As you will soon find out @tinfoilhatcat, Steemit is a platform that attracts people who are willing to engage each other in conversation. If we were interested in only consuming content creators work, we would have never left YT. The reason why this discourse has grown was because we wanted to clarify and hash out our thoughts on the matter. So we would not be operating on assumptions alone. Isn't this how people get to know and respect each other in the real world as well? Or am I just a shadow of a time long past?
Everyone of us who has engaged in this conversation has commented directly to Sean's prior works. I think it is fair to assess that we all have a high level of respect for him as well. I would not have the gull to come in here and say that if it was my first time commenting to him. Granted the other parties are much more engaged with SGT's day to day postings than I have been this last month.
I do find it curious that you also decided to engage in this discourse, even accusing us of being "sick" while also failing to give one sentence on the video's subject matter. Would this be an example of "the pot calling the kettle black?" Just a thought. I know that you are very new here as this is your first comment. I mean no disrespect, but this site is a place for discourse and free speech, as well as posting content.