~~~ embed:CBTS_Stream/comments/7qv7ud/q_side_by_side_2_of_3_q_displays_foreknowledge_of/?st=JDUMZ7ZB&sh=46d4eaeb reddit metadata:fENCVFNfU3RyZWFtfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9DQlRTX1N0cmVhbS9jb21tZW50cy83cXY3dWQvcV9zaWRlX2J5X3NpZGVfMl9vZl8zX3FfZGlzcGxheXNfZm9yZWtub3dsZWRnZV9vZi8/c3Q9SkRVTVo3WkImc2g9NDZkNGVhZWJ8 ~~~
The lords prayer foreknowledge
the pope changes lords prayer - https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/08/569385769/pope-francis-suggests-changing-the-words-to-lord-s-prayer
sealed indictments & improvements at guantanamo bay -
bangladeshi terrorist foiled - http://abcnews.go.com/US/nyc-police-respond-reports-explosion-port-authority-bus/story?id=51714989
trump tweet about us military AFTER Q did.
potus twitter takedown prediction:
hawaii missile prediction
Lynne D Rothschild
relevant to the op against rothschilds
Consequential/Consensual - Q?
post 503?
Worth noting this was around about the time Assange published 'fire and fury' with 2 chapters replacing o with Q.
DOITQ - asia tour
twitter scrambles/names images in their own algorithms, imagine the skill/knowledge it took to game the system to trick twitter's automatic algorithm to name this file DOITQ directly on POTUS's tweets
Goodwin -
post 494 . jan 7. q posted good[win]. potus posted,, goodwin
~~~ embed:WayOfTheBern/comments/7xebtn/15_times_djt_tweets_coordinated_with_qanon_so/?st=JDV1CJVH&sh=f60270a0 reddit metadata:fFdheU9mVGhlQmVybnxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvV2F5T2ZUaGVCZXJuL2NvbW1lbnRzLzd4ZWJ0bi8xNV90aW1lc19kanRfdHdlZXRzX2Nvb3JkaW5hdGVkX3dpdGhfcWFub25fc28vP3N0PUpEVjFDSlZIJnNoPWY2MDI3MGEwfA== ~~~
Crossing the Delaware
Q POST George Washington Crossing the Delaware in Dec 1776 and DOD Tweets the Following Day.
Q posts "Special Place" 12/11/2017 ~ POTUS Tweet 12/17/2017 "Special Place" ~ Q follow up 12/18/17
Q posted +++, repeated by trump - Can't seem to find it now.
Q posted whitehouse letterhead
Trump tweeted Magapill.com, which 5minutes later was taken down and the entire DB was deleted, front page article was 'q clearance patriot' I watched it go down in live time.
https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/ - posts and tweets together
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