Ok, so the price goes down, if they want to sell at a loss, its their money.
As long as the game isnt attractive to small (?) investors mass adoption doesnt happen.
100mv is ~50k steem, 150k usd, if folks want to invest more than that, at this point, then they are speculators and are taking a (big?) risk.
That is what speculators do for their profits.
Once there are enough dolphins (25k? And not just the golden boys created by the whales, but actual community created dolphins.)to mitigate against the disparity in the math we can look at raising the 100mv community decision.
I cant go back in time to explain to the large early investors that they were misled about what the math could do.
The facts are, if the minnows are going to matter in the math, i dont see mass adoption occuring until they do, the whales have to respect the community decision that anybody voting more than 100mv will be a pariah and treated as such.
I am equating ANY rewards not voted to you by a noncolluding other with reward pool rape.
The reward pool is there to encourage 'good' content for the chain, not roi for investors, not to pay devs for concocting schemes, not to create golden boys to slob whale knob, to pay authors.
I will add a caveat, utopian is acting like our r&d department, and as such should get something from the inflation, as should cleener iniatives.
Any front ends are free to take all the cut their customers will tolerate.
But vote sellers selling the commons because they can? No.
And, i dont want any of that hard coded, i want us to learn to manage our own affairs without calling in big brother to appeal to the stick.