For those that haven’t been following the Q’anon phenomena, I suggest you get informed before reading this article. For those of you that are informed and up to date, I would like to alter your thought processes on the phenomena.
I have gotten to the point that objective critical thinking must take place before I continue down the overconfident road in which on its end I will finally be reunited with my Constitutional Republic, after all, isn’t this what we are all talking about?
Yes, Q has been confirmed as having direct knowledge of events taking place(I have personally confirmed), but how is it confirmed? Through POTUS, that’s how. A person with direct knowledge of events, could be on anyone’s side and play the Q game. We have established that he is aware of events, but nobody has established his true intent or loyalty.
I could list a series of that i have read about over the years to gain confidence while being close enough to POTUS to give credibility to my ruse. We have given our hopes to an unknown along with the sole word of Donald Trump. Of course, you want to believe, Hell, I want to believe, but can it be something, ANYTHING else taking place?
Example 1 –
If I wanted to play both sides, wouldn’t this be the perfect ploy? Hell, we are already following along like sheep. This is a great way to build hope, and upon its failure cause tensions and civil unrest.
Example 2 –
If there were two globalist entities having a power-play over certain fundamentals leading to the same destination.
Example 3 –
Throw a regime under a bus, a sacrificial lamb, and gain the trust of the entire population resulting in the blind faith of a new regime that peacefully leads them to slaughter.
Now there is ongoing possible outcome, and then there is at least three other possibilities that I have listed. According to the math, the ongoing outcome has a 25% possibility. I do want to believe in the ongoing narrative which is Q and MAGA, but not blindly.
There has been some pretty unbelievable suggestions coming from Q as of late. Great claims require great proof. If Q and POTUS are to keep my trust, I must have an overwhelming and conclusive proof of intent, otherwise, this whole thing is as inherently dangerous as globalization. Are you following because you just want to believe?
I share the same concerns.
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
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