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RE: Qanon- Public Forum Tomorrow! New 4/20/18 material!

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

You are the one advocating for bidbot abuse. Apparently, you want people that listen to you to not use bots, thereby foregoing their share of their stake-generated rewards.

I guess you want all your "adherents" to be the bagholders, while they give away all their stake?

Do you advise people to also purchase bonds, then reject the coupon payments, rendering them the dumbest bond investors in the market?

This is what your anti-bot, reality ignoring, utopian tirade accomplishes.

Would you suggest someone go into the 100M Olympic Sprints, or US Baseball Homerun Derby, without using steorids? Where they realistically have no chance of success?

This is what you are doing by hating on the player, not the game. There is no lead by example here except to get yours or be gotten. The ship sailed on that when we all told them NOT to pull this linear horseshit that enables nothing but abuse in HF19.

Code is law.


Keep thinking that, golden boy, the chain is making a list and you can bet it will get checked more than twice.

Please read my actual post before commenting, a lot of your arguments are just not things I said. For example, hating on the player not the game, I clearly said this is both a user and a bot owner problem.

The fact that you are promoting cheating pretty much sums it up for me. If you want to have an actual discussion then let's have a live discussion about it, you can reach me on discord. My guess is that you just enjoy slinging insults behind the safety of your keyboard.

p.s. this is @jasonshick speaking, didnt realize I was posting from my alt account

"Would you suggest someone go into the 100M Olympic Sprints, or US Baseball Homerun Derby, without using steorids? Where they realistically have no chance of success?"

Many years ago I was into cycle racing, the most drugged up of all sports. You are 100% right - without drugs nobody could ever win a race. BUT - with drugs you will very likely get cancer 5 to 30 years down the track. The choices are do it for fun, walk away, or win with a 50/50 chance of cancer later.

Here is one who won - unlike most he admitted the drug use before he died of cancer - Laurent Fignon