We have to talk about Q some this spin, so let me clarify some for those who react as many of my in-person family still do.
Q Anon IS a military intelligence psy-operation that is being run with coordination and support from now citizen Donald J Trump.
Everything has changed since the election changed everything.
The mainstream media now talks about Q Anon incessantly in a clear orchestration leading up to the false flags that will eventually categorize us all.
The one year deltas are now utilized by the auditioning cable narrators instead of hopeful ‘Anons’ getting scolded by thought leaders to stop saying the things they had been saying until new orders came in.
There is no Q Anon, right?
That’s about as bunk as this Happy Anniversary Q! from those profiting from books blaspheming a virtuous though deceived truth movement.
I was boarding a plane after an insanely interesting meeting the last time there was a post on the Q boards.
Remember the elation, guize?!
It was signed ‘B’ and posted on the same board used by the military intelligence operation who signs ‘Q.’
Did those who label themselves thought leaders and premiere promoters in the QAnon movement ever discern who made this drop?
After years of screaming ‘no outside comms’ like parrots at truthers not aligned with their grift, did the QAnon movement ever ask that Q?
Who is B?
Still, I do worry for Q Anon John.
He does however still brand himself leader of this movement and he does still have the access.
Emperor Q Anon and his Queen have liked to play emperor with the thumbs up and down.
As a ‘premier promoter’ for a Truth movement shouldn’t that access come with responsibility? You could have asked General Flynn about Austin instead of getting made fun of by him about the men’s room hover.
Have you figured General Flynn out yet?
I’m rooting for you as always. Especially in your current engagements with Lin Wood.
I’m glad you must have by now figured out we ALL got handlers of one sort or another.
Did Co deMon key ever tell you who B is while he plays his role and let’s the general populace think he’s actually Q?
B dropped his post on the Q boards right during the pep-assembly false flag operation pre-workout that was The Patriot Roundup in Dallas.
Ah, The fun my friends and I didn’t have that weekend...
That Operation was air tight.
Maybe someday I tell Q Anon John my side of that story and we can connect some intel media dots.
Phoenix was productive that weekend. I wasn’t able to orchestrate the spectacle intended but I did hear some of the coolest stories from one of my new and dear friends.
Discerning people in person brings blessed friendships and trust.
I discerned the guy the DIA ordered to identify as Q (among other things) in person.
The one person I haven’t gotten to discern in person is the person who actually made the last post on the military intelligence operation’s communication board.
Not that I haven’t or wouldn’t try.
I know a couple people who have claimed responsibility for that post. Yet more blessings from the travels but that’s not the whole point here.
Right in the middle of the Big D Patriot Roundup this drop fell. While the whole coven of Q Comm managers were throwing themselves another celebrity event. I thought they were toast.
Decode that, Pharisees!
Sigh. Another try at the old football.
Old Lucies.
We are way past the point where the old Pharisee gang can hide behind the same tactics.
Who is B?
We missed an opportunity again again with the B post. We were trying to capitalize on Jake’s hard sacrifices and achievement as well as Austin’s. Within our midst, the Pharisees were hit with a coulda been devastating blow had we struck it. Jake was in prison. That is my excuse.
The post is discarded as non-canonical for the people deciding such things.
@lukewinegarden and I have imposed the term ‘friend’ on Baron ever since we connected back during the original boots on the ground phase of our adventures.
He’s been with us since the beginning, you could say. Since the Breadcrumb Projects days...
I can play spin the bottle with Baron. He saw the game coming long enough ahead of time to make sure while he is a presence, nobody can tie him down.
Waterboard away. I won’t be able to tell you how to find him or anymore about him. He knows that.
If I end up with another 302 over a friend I will again tell them the proud truth of that association. And I will suggest questions for them to ask as I did before.
I have the coolest photo @lukewinegarden took that should go here but I’m not about to dox any FBI agents, let alone the ones that treated me fairly.
Baron did so much work both fighting for Jake Chansley and trying to protect many of the same flock from the same wolves I did that it made sense we would eventually get to work together.
The battlefield changes quickly. Orders flow and adapt. One day I hope to shake the Shadow’s hand. QAnon John and I can laugh about how we wished we had been as savvy as Baron is in the yard at Gitmo.
I’ll also tell QAnon John about how we tried to help him in Dallas. I’ll get to ask him if he knew who restrained us there. I know you’re busy. Saw you in The Rolling Stone. You get that none of us should want that cover, right?
While Q Anon John is busy calculating who to side with in the celebrity association games, I am hopeful he has connected with a true son of God. Please, Lord, help Lin Wood help QAnon John.
He can’t afford too many more miscalculations.
In the meantime, John, since I know marketing is important to you with your PP status here is some unsolicited but good business advice. Steffan Tubbs of 780 AM conservative radio in Denver did a Q Anon show last summer with Preying Medic. He has an audience thirsty for truth in Colorado. They have Joe Oltmann and Lauren Boebert out there who also do his show.
Medic doesn’t seem to return Tubbs’ phone calls.
He could use a good Q Anon guy I think as it comes back into the mainstream news again. When you call him though tell him to be nice to the audience. This guy almost went national with Q last fall! Maybe @frankbacon can put you in touch with their producer.
(Don’t tell him I sent you. He hates me more than you do.)
Is it too late to ask who is B?
Nobody cares?
I want to know. Won’t claim to you I do but I know who does know. And who doesn’t ask. Such a simple question that leads so many places. While they cloud the question of ‘who is Q?’ (for now) they fear the simplest other questions.
Who paid the DJ?
Who cut the couches?
Who is Q?
Who is B?
Baron has been seeing things ahead of time for awhile. He’s not the only one I know.
It’s happening, indeed.
JOHN, eh?
Some playbook handoffs are no look.
Some are behind the back.
That’s all Playbook and assignment.
Baron is a talented warrior who could do so many other things with those talents.
Comfortable things.
He fights because he is called.
We share hatred for the practices of the Nicolaitians and a few other things.
Brotherhood is fire-refined here in the fringe.
So many days to remember.
The Shadow knows why I had the question on my mind today.
He and a few others.
None of the perceived existing teams matter.
Some of us can testify the new teams have already come near.
Chain of command sometimes causes more division than peace.
That’s also Playbook.
Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.
Luke 12:51-52
I love dogs while despising dogs comms. This guy is a story for in-person story trading.
Busy weekend. Shoulda been busier maybe.
I won’t drop any receipts on the casualties still waiting.
They are not forgotten or alone.
For now please, do the dig. Claim the blessing.
It says read and hold onto what you hear.
(You aren’t required to UNDERSTAND it all to receive the blessing.)
Playbook says nobody gets left behind.
Rachel Maddow, Will Sommer, and The New Republic with fresh Austin Steinbart coverage this week.
Who’s holding the keys to the car they are keeping warm?
Your posts are always so great to read. Don’t think I didn’t notice when you slipped away from chat and into creative mode here. Please don’t think I wasn’t listening when you spoke of the Holy pages that you were. I was, as I always am, listening.
I, too, love The Baron’s work. He does not go quietly into the night; for that I am glad and proud to know him.
You won’t likely see me writing too much on SMG, however new endeavors and new data sets and collabs with creators? ABSOLUTELY!
Not only am I Q~Southern Charms but I am the Queen 🐝 and 1/2 of Dark to Light Media, LLC. Or @darqtolight.
Miss you; love you my brother from another mother. Praying for you and telepathically sending good juju your way! ✨💖🙏💫
We were just talking about you last night, Sis! My focus hasn’t changed since we last spoke. More news to come shortly. The Truth Or Bust Team is up to something again...
Based on what we were talking last night I expect to be reaching out to you sooner than later. We love and miss you too!
I will keep an ear out. Shoot me a text first so I know to answer. I don’t answer weird numbers. Lol
Parts counter?
The FED and Comm Platforms...

got LOTs in common.