To Kill Mockingbird - 'Message Over Messenger' - So..... WHERE Is Our Messenger?

in #qanon4 years ago (edited)

Austin Steinbart is the intelligence operator running Q Anon operation here on the ground in this time.

He also 'appears to be in prison' and is still a digital warrior MOST of Our movement is leaving behind.

Pharisee Mockingbird is still actively suppressing this story that I have given everything to pursue for my truther friends.

This caught my eye and the eyes of others watching the plight of our political prisoner.


This entry on the Court Listener Docket for 'United States v. Steinbart' was exciting to see but we moved slow on it knowing everything is not always as it seems and who gives a shit about being first? We end Mockingbird, We aren't going to become them.


While covering the Austin Steinbart story independently, We are transparent in our desire to see @AustinSteinbart get from point A to point Q+ as soon as possible. We recognize that Mockingbird often works to slow not stop their targets and @AustinSteinbart is an obvious target of Mockingbird of all platforms.

We made calls to Florence Federal Prison to see if we could ascertain "WHERE IS OUR MESSENGER?!?"

We were excited and the phone calls did provide a nugget of hope. One of our callers was told by the representative at the prison that "He is with the Marshals in Phoenix."

Another caller was assured "he is there and would receive contributions to the cantina if we send him some."


This "marshals" comment is no solid proof. We know that disinfo is necessary and fully realize that fact on quantum levels at this point. Important point to remind as we report... There are things that I cannot lay out as proof of our theorizing. Quantum technology is in play in this information war and I suspect most paying attention to this either know this via their own experiences or have started to question it by now.

Also important to remind as we continue to report on @AustinSteinbart and his story we have become friends and family with much of Steinbart Media Group and will not violate confidences for many reasons including no interest to hinder their valiant and honorable efforts. If I make a claim it is my own and no insider info should or could be inferred.

When we heard that "Austin is with the Marshalls in Phoenix" we immediately started to think that he is in some sort of protective custody. While I have publically stated that I fear @AustinSteinbart may have a longer fight than just the mainstream breakthrough of the board drop portion of the Q Anon operation, this does begin to give me optimism as to the timing. We could also envision him having a meeting and travelling temporarily with protective custody so no letting the imagination and optimism run too far. We needed to watch the Court docket.


We present this link again in effort to allow people concerned with our political prisoner to assess and continue to follow. It is a bit of a disappointment to us that Steinbart Media Group removed this header from the Steinbart Media Group webpage as we found it quite helpful as a header to the previous address.

Some answers were provided as to what this docket entry meant. These offerings were online to people who inquired and also in our private inquiries. We have yet to receive a satisfactory explanation as to what this "Release from Custody' docket entry meant other than what it said. We are no legal experts and do not claim to be. We did review the documentation that was presented to answer the questions of "Has @AustinSteinbart been released?"

Page 1 - A Petition of Relief from the Defendant @AustinSteinbart...


Page 2 - @AustinSteinbart details of the hazardous health conditions of his confinement...


Page 3 is where the relief that Defendant @AustinSteinbart is petitioning the court for...


Page 4, the last of this petition which was electronically transmitted on 12/11/2020...


I love the 'changing election laws' mention here. You paying attention, Judge Logan?

We do not see any response to this "Petition for Relief (Release)" anywhere in the docket.

It is an accurate and notable description of @AustinSteinbart, the Defendant.

"...non-violent, first time alleged offender(s), who are not a flight risk, who merely want to represent themselves without having to be dependent on proxy or standby counsel."

This not only sounds like the man being left behind by the Q Anon movement, but a likely description for myself or a large number of legal acting soldiers in this ongoing war as soon as a still compromised @FBI and still compromised United States judicial system decides it so. Chilling, and another reason why any patriot ignoring or shaming people away from the @AustinSteinbart story should reconsider immediately.

I am at the point where I believe @AustinSteinbart is in protective custody and at a minimum being allowed to prepare for his case. It seems likely that this is where a lot of the evidence and information that needs to be documented to assist the public with acceptance of his Q Anon drip nurture campaign will flow from. While contemplating this for the past few days I did consider pursuing a more direct investigation further but have decided to let it lay. We are independent of Steinbart Media Group and I have never communicated directly with @AustinSteinbart, contrary to the belief of many entities who try to get to him through me somehow. I am going to follow the story of this left behind digital soldier and political prisoner to his eventual 'Command' post and beyond, if he wills it. While not looking to expose anything that would interfere with any timing of this movement, it would be irresponsible of me to not report at least this potentially great news that may give the warriors fighting for this imprisoned man additional reason for hope. Our team has much hope and it is obvious from the public interactions of my family at Steinbart Media Group that they do as well. As we enjoy the New Year holiday, we tip a glass to @AustinSteinbart and his supporters in celebration of a reasonable hope that @AustinSteinbart was able to enjoy his New Year holiday outside of Florence Federal Prison.

It is now 2021. We are all due for a little Celebration!


Credit for this photo goes to Michael Rae Khoury. I recommend following his Twitter account (@ Michael_Rae) and the rest of Steinbart Media Group for more potentially optimistic BIG news!

I certainly will be.

Happy New Year!