To Kill Mockingbird - The 800 Pound Gorilla Suit In My Room

in #qanon4 years ago (edited)

My interaction with Mockingbird in Denver began long ago.

For awhile it was cordial and probing.

It became adversarial.

Now telling a story out of order has become a matter of survival for me.

Let me explain the gorilla thing before they try to...


It took less than fifteen minutes to secure that objective. At this time I had been involved in daily strategy sessions with my oldest friend on how to move through the COVID psy op and the apparent manifestation of martial law we had been awaiting. We did a resource inventory...

Enough disposable income to buy some posterboard and some Sharpies.

Also, one pretty badass gorilla suit I had bought two years ago when income wasn't as tight.

We decided that yes, the gorilla suit and the sign may be enough to land the "Q" on a mainstream television report. There was a little talk of the law of unintended consequences that day but we didn't linger there. We will get back to that often as we move through this story both here and in real time.

Immediately before I hit the Capitol steps to show whoever I could my big red "Q" sign, a guy from Ruptly asked me if I would interview. Sure will. I didn't realize it would end up so out there in the world when I called out George Soros and Bill Gates. Looking back I do find it fun I was wearing a costume when calling out those global supervillians.


Mission accomplished! We got the big red Q [on television (somewhere anyways!)

(This interview would resurface months later as part of a One American News Network report on Q Anon. Pretty cool accomplishment unlock in the crowd I run with and even got me ridiculed by one of the bigger Twitter anti-QAnon accounts.)


With the mission already done I put the mask on and headed for the Capitol steps. What an epic visual real life meme we had concocted. Even the news guys I had interacted with and communicated with behind the scenes saw the beginning of it.


Hello Skycam!

I even attempted to connect with one of them in my efforts to find the good guys in media. The ones who should be starting to suspect Mockingbird around them. Sadly, the being afraid of patriots narrative requires one to stay away from patriots.


All of my truthing efforts that are tied to this gorilla suit are the direct fault of Mockingbird in Denver. This is a monster of their creation. Nobody would know I was "gorilla guy" if they didn't keep putting me on television as if I were an embarassing spectacle. I wore the full gorilla suit in activism just one single time. Being the story was never on my agenda let alone telling the story. Yet, here I am in live time trying to survive as a main character living out the ending!

Life is weird and the gorilla suit is what got me here.

That and a Denver Mockingbird coordinated attempt to doxx me.

This is why, even in this moment, when I have been blessed with insights into the stories and real time adventures of so many amazing people, I have to stop and tell my own damn story. I should be telling you of @frankbacon and @austinsteinbart and the Arizona Truth or Bust 2020 mission and so many other things...

Today they are attacking prominent members of the Denver community including Benghazi hero John "Tig" Tiegen and prominent businessman and respected community leader Joe Oltmann. Today, they are orchestrating visual memes in our streets to drive narratives. Today, they have also now murdered.

I will not allow these Mockingbird scum to define the stupid gorilla suit.

Nor will they define the man who wore it.

They already fired and missed on this once.


PizzaGate was always fucking real. PizzaGate is the bullet Mockingbird Jeremy Jojola of 9New chose to fire at me. I appreciate that because as an "investigative journalist" he has now committed himself to having no investigative skills at all.

On record. There is no career for him after this is over.

I earned myself a Twitter block from Jeremy months ago. I believe it was over confronting him about the obvious blowoff of the DJ Pony fake nurse story from the same Operation Gridlock protest that launched my perceived career as a costumed truther. Whatever his reasoning, he has always kept an eye on me. Concerning to me as he is the designated Mockingbird for smearing freedom loving patriots as domestic terrors and white supremacists. I saw them coming...


This was where my "friendship" with @chrisvanderveen became strained. I felt that was a respectful message. Don't fucking accuse of us of white supremacy because you know we are not and I have years of back channel comms with you to document that you damn well know.

Back to the gorilla suit origin story for a minute. After securing the television money shot, making tons of patriot friends who loved the Q sign and were either onboard or genuinely curious, we took our livestream for a walk. It was the first ever Facebook livestream we did and the video was a bit rough. We did get 19,000 plus views and an at the time unknown valuable level of recognition. The best part was the adrenaline felt while being showered with love and affection for a patriotic act...


Watch the whole Gorilla Walk here!

I have made a whole lot of new friends worldwide from this silly act. Like the one who sent me this photo taken during it and the others who sent me video clips from this and other visual memes that day. We are going to come back to that orchestrated fake nurse meme before long. I was planning visual memes on the same terrain as Mockingbird at the exact same time. For now please understand this was the only time I wore the full gorilla suit in activism. The gorilla identity ahead of this day was a personal and professional thing. I just wanted people to see the Q. Over the next couple months of activism in Denver I used the gorilla only as an identifier and not at all after a few more weeks of journo activism.

Back to Jeremy Jojola and his PizzaGate bullet...


"Disturbing obsession and is angry but maybe harmless I don't know..."

"In Denver."

The timing of this was amazing as I had a very publically promoted livestream prayer circle for the 9News team prepared for the next day. In fact, I had been doing daily videos for weeks pointing out how they at 9News were complicit in covering up news stories of elite pedophilia and worse.

He even tried to drive a wedge between myself and Steffan Tubbs of 710 KNUS in Denver...



Steffan and I are friendly now and I am grateful to have him in the Denver media landscape. Sorting out Mockingbird is hard work. God bless you @steffantubbs.

Jeremy Jojola deciding on this night to point his Twitter following at me in dramatic fashion was not only deliberately timed but also coordinated. Almost simutaneously, I received a message from my friendly contact at 9News that he would no longer be able to engage with me. While being attributed to me attacking the profession he loved it really felt like an order from one of his superiors. In hindsight, that interpretation makes more and more sense. Some of these guys are, in fact, just following orders.

More interesting was the seemingly random Facebook post by a guy named Erik Maulbetsch. You may know his name from his public conflict with Joe Oltmann that is playing out right now. Respected community leader Oltmann is leveling charges that Maulbetsch is Antifa controlled. The same time that 9News was coordinating in their handling of me this guy dropped a Facebook post claiming I will be at the Save The Children march the next day...


It is now October and this is still the top post on this "reporter's" Facebook feed. While the intent at the time seemed to be to discredit (and irritate) the Save The Children marchers, I think there was more to it. Now I see community leaders engaged with these exact same media members. Whatever the intended effect was of this coordinated effort across Denver news, it backfired.

The Mockingbirds have no clue the boomerang effect this misfire is bringing them.

The gorilla suit was a lucky accident.

You made it into what it became, Mockingbirds.

Fuck the gorilla suit.

You can no longer define or ignore the guy who wore it.


Follow me at Hive.Blog/@mikemullens to watch my story unfold.


Your an amazing inspirational Qorilla to us all in Arizona. Bless you



Thank you for your efforts and your support! All of you! Much love!

Great stuff bruv. NOW its a bit easier to follow your story and understand the players. Great work!

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