Q Anon followers, promoters, and advocates have been scattered to the social media corners of the world.
The 2020 electoral votes have been certified.
Mockingbird is already discussing re-education for truthers and many of those truthers are nervous.
Let's talk about winners and losers.
This is what I saw early in the information dissemination operation and I still see it as such.
"The greatest military intelligence operation of our time"
This is a true statement. The impact on people and their lives alone makes it so.
I chose to go very early being public in my support for the operation. I didn't vote for anybody in 2016. I knew then that our elections were a sham and participating to me felt like acquiescence. I did not see Trump as an adversary to Clinton just as I didn't see Romney, McCain, or Obama as adversaries.
Then I saw the Mockingbird media attack President Trump early and often with deception and began to reconsider the man. The attacks persisted throughout 2017 and my sense that the American public and this President shared a common enemy grew.
The obvious media attacks on President Trump and my awareness of Mockingbird as state controlled media gained this 'Q Anon' my attention immediately. This was worth following and I did. All the way through the President's 'Fake News Day' muster and straight into the chaos that was 2020. I never identified as an 'anon' publically or internally. I awaited the 'real life' portion of the Operation and found it early in 2020. This led me to meet many people in real life that I am blessed to maintain contact and friendships with to this day.
Some of those people are continuing to gain momentum in their efforts. A lot of them are also calling me to ask me 'what the fuck is going on?!" I will state here what I told so many of them recently. I do not know how this unfolds. Donald Trump will be President again and this theft of our election will not stand. Told people to watch DC on January 6th but wouldn't (and in hindsight couldn't) attempt to predict what exactly was going to happen. I still believe Donald Trump will be President again and that the election theft by foreign and domestic enemies will not stand. I also believe that the Operation ends with unity between what is now seen as Team Red and Team Blue and the end of the Mockingbird apparatus that has kept us in that paradigm since I was old enough to consider such things.
Today I talk to normie friends and truther friends and almost every one of them is unsettled. Telling people to 'trust the plan' went out the window for me early in 2020 and I am not going to return to that now. It does seem an appropriate time to discuss winners and losers since so many seem to frame the election as well as this military intelligence operation in such terms.
"Where We Go One We Go All" has been the prominent slogan of Q Anon truthers for three years now. A camaraderie-inspiring information war battle cry. It was a welcoming message to people who were new to the Q Anon movement. A statement whose awkward syntax cause many of the detractors to use it to mock the movement which endeared it to us even futher.
Today 'Where We Go One We Go All" is the truth that needs to be applied to sorting out winners and losers. Where we go one we go all is now our future. Finally we can begin to discuss our future as it is. Ours. Not ours as in 'Q Anons' or 'truthers' or 'patriots' and damn sure not as Republicans or right wing racists as the MSM Mockingbird acolytes believe.
'Where we go one we go all' in this moment in time applies to all of us whether we see it or not. This was always supposed to end with unity and even my most agressive detractors will remember me promising them that. The most obvious goal to identify and discuss regarding Mockingbird is the mission to keep us separated. This is clear with MSM Mockingbird with their 'right wing' smear of our movement to the supposed alternative media keeping up the 'smash the libs' mantra all through a movement meant to bring about a "Great Awakening." When I first read "4-6% LOST FOREVER" I swelled with excitement at the prospect of America united to 90% or better heights. Donald Trump may prove to be the greatest President in United States history. Truthing was never and is not still about Trump for me. All along I have been seeking that unified America that I have always believed should be possible. The Q Anon phase of this military intelligence operation was what gave me hope that it truly could be possible.
At a time when the entire country, normie and truther alike, is thinking in terms of victory or defeat one thing about the Q Anon military intelligence operation is clear... Where We Go One We Go All applies to all of Us.
Every single American has either won or lost. No matter the mechanics of the military intelligence (psy) operation the drip nurture information dissemination portion is clearly at it's end. In less than two weeks we will enter a new Presidential term. It will be Donald Trump or Joe Biden in control of the White House going forward and that means the same thing to all Americans whether we have shed the Mockingbird enforced cognitive dissonance about that or not. There was election fraud in our 2020 Presidential election. Much evidence of this fraud has been presented openly from high profile figures such as Rudy Giuliani, General Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, and Sidney Powell. To date most people haven't even considered much because Mockingbird media has been quite effective in their "CONSPIRACY push."
Even with that, based on my unscientific method of driving our country and conversing with everybody that could and would, everybody knows there was a big problem with the 2020 election. Sadly, many of those who know the election was stolen are short sightedly looking the other way on it because they hate Donald Trump so much. I have always seen the defeat of Mockingbird as the end of that almost impossible to break through barrier of cognitive dissonance.
Today I checked in on an old friend's social media curious to see what his thoughts were. This is a man who mentored me some professionally and who at one time I had much respect for in his critical thinking. One of the guys who I couldn't wait to discuss this whole thing with some day when the battle was over and debriefs were possible. It didn't go so well...
What happened at the United States Capitol on January 6th is not yet clear. What this old friend of mine believes happened is Ashli Babbitt was killed at the Capitol. He clearly also believes that she deserved it. For being a 'QTard.' I am pretty sure it was me that inspired him to coin the phrase he seems so proud of. I am more than sure had any of my close encounters resulted in my death his position would be the same. One less QTard. I long gave up on keeping all of my friends throughout this operation and my efforts in it. I have gained and lost friends rapidly during the operation so judging winning and losing based on followers or friends was never within my consideration. I wanted truth and my fucking country back. The country my parents told me that I lived in.
Nothing in this movement has been clearer to me than the fact that if successful it would bring unity. That barometer has both allowed me to measure my success within the movement as well as my success in my assigned sector...Mockingbird. It also guided me towards amazing paths of adventure and danger that I have only yet to recount. While Pharisee Mockingbird and MSM Mockingbird of all political appearances pushed division from all angles I found the leaders in the movement who were striving for unity. Not a unity in social media meeting places. Not a unity of 'patriots' who stood up to Demoncrats. No smashing of the 'libs.'
A Great Awakening. A renewal of faith in God and Country.
We either all win in this or we all lose. It may be tonight or it may be in a week or it may be in a month. One way or another though this effort to save our Country (and humanity) is either going to fail or succeed. Ignorance of the corruption and the threat to our population will not exempt those from the resuts of this effort to stop it. It won't matter for the ignorant who believe Rachel Maddow and her inane accusations of white supremacist terror. We will also not be exempted from the consequences of failure because we were 'watching since Day 1' and got some of this correct. As the information sharing portion of this operation draws down those paying attention are watching closely and most of us with some baited breath. The stakes have always been high. Victory or defeat at this point has been achieved and it is time to 'trust the plan' and if possible ' enjoy the show.' There isnt really much left for us to do in this other than be ready and willing to assist our friends and family through whatever is to come.
I am more confident than most I talk to and that is for a few specific reasons. One is my investigation into @AustinSteinbart and his explanations of quantum internet technology. Sadly so many of my friends both truther and normie do not have much understanding of this concept and it's implications for the entirety of the Q Anon operation. If my truther friends had considered I think they would share my optimism. If my normie friends had considered I think they would be less inclined to look towards a potential bad demise for me. As the clock unwinds to January 20 we are almost to the end of the over three year military intelligence operation. The ramifications of that quantum internet technology binds all Americans, and humanity, to this victory or defeat.
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3: 8-9
Whether grave or beautiful; victory or failure; life or death. Whether you know it or not, in this moment, winning and losing truly is 'where we go one we go all."
I’m not sure if I am truly hearing a different tone in your writing today or if it is there. I read this on a day where I have been told by my father that he is not interested in hearing my rhetoric when I only wanted to share where I am coming from in the all of this. Agree to disagree but to have no interest in seeing something from another perspective is frightening. Knowing my own dad is not interested in what drives me hurts. I am ready for things to be revealed and to mend what is broken.
Losing my real friends was the worst part..
Trying to get back together one at a time..
Hope see everyone again on the other side!
Such exciting times!!!
Very well said. If we should be called upon to fight in the streets, in the hills, or in the halls of the Capital Building itself (not a staged media propaganda trick), then so be it. I love this Country and I am done with taking shit from the criminals that pretend to have our best interest first, because I have seen it up close for at least the last 35 years. The corrupt courts, the corruption in law makers, the wars for money and power, the fake media and the outright lies and deceit of our so called leaders and almost EVERY time they seem to not go to jail or even pay for their crimes against we the people and against humanity. I am ready and willing to go all in on this operation that I believe is the most important event of my entire life. For my freedom and for my fellow countrymen, for God and Country, I will give my life if means that this Nation is rid of the scum that clogs the drain in the swamp of Washington DC and defend against the traitors and commie bastards who are in league with the devil. They will never take this country, they will have to kill us all first. I have been waiting for this day for almost 3/4 of my life, I just wish @AustinSteinbart could be free out of prison to see this happen in person. God Bless all of my fellow Patriots and the poor lost sheep who are not yet aware of the truth, God Bless President Donald J Trump and Q and God BlessThe United States of America. #FreeAustinStdinbart #AustinSteinbartisQ #WWG1WGA
#FreeAustinStdinbart #AustinSteinbartisQ #WWG1WGA
Exactly. Even some of my own Family don’t believe this. Thank you President Donald J Trump for standing for America! This fight is not over, the election was filled with fraud and justice will be served.
Victory Not Vengeance