Maga & Qanon Update 5.11.18 - Q Community Civil War: Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman Vs Qanon

in #qanon7 years ago


The school is reportedly on lockdown.

Stonewall Jackson on twitter says
The FBI planted a spy on the inside of the Trump campaign during the
election. This is huge! So even with a spy on the inside they have
nothing on Russia or any other crimes committed by Trump. This is a very
embarrassing time for the FBI. Obama weaponized all our intelligences

Today, California's junior Senator Kamala Harris announced in a video
message that she will be joining Senators Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders,
Kirsten Gillibrand, and Ron Wyden on the Marijuana Justice Act.

Q has seemingly called out David Seaman about his claims of seeing the
sealed indictments and profiteering from the movement.

"I've talked to Qanon" -Alex Jones
Corsi and Jones bash Qanon - promote 'Zac'

for a very in depth recap of the alex jones involvement in Q and why I
now believe Alex is spreading Disinfo about qanon despite being a 15
year fan.

~~~ embed:greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/ reddit metadata:fGdyZWF0YXdha2VuaW5nfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9ncmVhdGF3YWtlbmluZy9jb21tZW50cy84aWEwdnUvdGhlX2xvbmdfYW5kX3NlY3JldF9pbmZvX3dhcnNfYWdhaW5zdF9xX2FuZF9ob3cvfA== ~~~


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Congratulation nemosnews! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 32min with 3 votes.

That explains why this video actually hit $90? I don't know much about the income system here yet, but that's a first above like $5

information is very useful, I really like that you show, hopefully more successful.
I am very impressed with your postU5dt5q8RDd1euAHiEnbtoVaZyyrDnqh.gif

That Q in the thumbnail is amazing

Q was a cruel lie.

If AJ or Corsi were actually grown ups, they wouldn't be taking this shit personally. Their reaction makes it seem like they want to be the gatekeepers. The last thing we need right now are gatekeepers. I prefer the laid back .. what are the facts .. what is going on .. what can we do approach.

This is why I like people like you or Beanz or Seething Frog or YouAreFreeTV.

My concern is that we ARE getting somewhere. As we get somewhere, we get tons of new people with sleepies in their eyes after years of long sleep & they need direction. Like if someone is pretty new, I would send them to a Lionel or a Styx or if they seem to have a good grasp on what is supposed to have been history Corbett is good. I like that 3 hour talk that Kevin Shipp has for a general red pill intro & I would say one of the people I listed to follow to sort of ease into it without being too bombarded by the far out stuff.

As far as Corsi goes, I am NOT a ZIONIST at all. I do not have respect for Israel. They think they run us. They are behind CFR. I know for a FACT that Kissinger is a HORRIBLE human being and a director for the NWO. Anyone I catch trying to set up their version of end times gets immediately red flagged.

The bottom line is to keep eyes on the facts. I have questions about ANYONE who makes claims to secret knowledge. AIM for example is a good one. I can still read their articles. they have good information, but I do try to keep any SPECIAL CLAIMS that they make in a part of my mind just to see if others are corroborating.

Examples would be:

AIM promoting McKibben & that law that Trump can just pay him for Federal Services used or something (TAYLOR ACT? it's something like that I forget);


Goodman doesn't like SteemIt now? He has Ortel on all the time (who I do trust). Is he kind of minding Ortel for the NWO? Or is he 100% legit? donno.

My main problem with any of these guys really being a legit 100% COINTELPRO, is that they are doing too good of a job. The main thing we need right now is visibility & an erosion of an unearned trust in the MSM gatekeepers & the FBI / DoJ / Federal Government in general. Alex is saying too many true things. He might be butthurt, but I doubt it. He thrives off of controversy. He's loving this.
