It seems like an absurd question, yet under Trump an absolute miasma of sexual abuse is being uncovered. And it's being ignored or spun by the Mainstream Media.

Here's why. It's almost all linked to elites. Luckily after Allison Mack's arrest we're likely to see the winding up of their people and child trafficking networks as she sings like a canary...
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
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This type of things happens all the time. If you check back through the decades you will always find this types of thing. We just have a 24 hour news cycle that has to be filled so provocative stories get pushed more.
I hope it is all as positive as it seems. I never stop worrying about those 10+ entries of "Donald Trump" and his various contact numbers in Jefferey Epstein's little black book....
case) so they can be used to push the conspiracy against the people. It is also important to note here how religious institutions like the church are constantly being accused of the same with undeniable evidence of links with the highest rungs. And we all know about Pedowood and pizzagate by now.Pedophilia is an organized crime and it certainly involves the elite of the elite of this world. This has been proven more than multiple times now and anyone who still doesnt see it is borderline naive or is way too distracted from the original distractions. This is where the secret societies and cults (read Satanism/Dark Occult) comes into the equation and there is no denying their presence, they are as real as taxes and as serious as a heart attacks. I totally agree with @polysteemer that the elites are essentially held hostage,or even more so..such pedophiles are even bumped up the system (remember Seattle Mayor
In my opinion, the focus needs to shift on the supply chain of such nefarious operations. It definitely is driven by extremely organized and secretive bodies with proper chain of command and logistics. Once the supply lines are unearthed and choked, and some of the big fishes are fried in public, there will be a precedence set that should set the stage for real change. Until then,it will just be bits and pieces reporting by MSM twice a year that turns out completely inconsequential with only the fall guys getting the flak.