Billionaires Bought the US Long Ago

in #qanon7 years ago

Long ago people were well aware of the pernicious effect of the super wealthy. Here's a newspaper article with commentary.

billioinaires buy USA.jpg

However, it goes back much further than this. When the Federal Reserve was created, it was well known that 'The Money Trust' - a name for the super rich - owned at least half of the US. And before that we have Andrew Jackson who famously fought the banks. And before that there was a major political party which won 10% of the vote, whose main point was being anti freemasonic.

So how did we forget this? They bought up all the newspapers to control the information. That's how. But now we have the internet. And that's perhaps why the new Italian coalition government is planning to ban freemasons from holding office.

Expect more of the same all over the world soon!


It is sad that they have been able to do what they've done. Hopefully they will be neutralized in the future using the proper technology.

a technology that can prevent monopolies?

That newspaper article is a spoof, from The Onion's 1999 book "Our Dumb Century." The headline at the top says that Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed "on two counts of wopness." (The evidence that led to their death sentence was a big controversy in 1927.)

If it's any consolation, The Onion's book is so convincingly designed for a period "feel" and so well put together that quite a few people have been taken in by it over the years. Which is the main reason I'm not going to flag this post. Everyone slips up now and again! :¬)

Thanks for the heads up. I tend to post snappy memes with commentary and didn't know this one was fake. I did actually wonder why the date was 1927 rather than 1913!

The narrative is everything. Too bad humanity is full of mercenaries and whores.. today "the (promised) plan" - tell me the good news.

Indeed the only way to check the power of some individuals is government but that is still difficult because some individuals are wealthy enough to influence the government.

pretty sure tha'ts the onion

yep, just been told that. oops.