Hmmm. Korea seems like a success story to me. Both Koreas are delighted with Trump's work. I can't see how that's a bad thing for anyone. And NK will need trade and foreign investment. There's no need to be so negative about a slight normalisation.
Yes Goldman Sachs appointments bother me too. But remember this; to reign something so complicated and powerful in you'd need
experts in how it functions. In short: 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. The days of head on conflicts with ones ideological enemies died after WW2. All is game theory now.
Re taxes, you're working on the old (outdated) big government model. The US became hugely wealthy long before income tax was levied. Government has become a slush fund for those with the stickiest fingers. Trump's changing that.
Glad to see we have some common ground, I just wish more people would recognize the hypocrisy of lining the swamp with Sachs Bros. So far I have yet to see any evidence Trump is keeping those with sticky fingers out of government. As for NK, so far we have seen nothing more than a meeting and a cheesy oddball video that looked like a trailer for Trump North Korea condos - which is really why he is interested in this instead of blowing shit up like he is threatening with the perfectly good deal we had in Iran that he just destroyed. Meanwhile he rolled back Cuban reforms because they wouldn't do humanitarian deals but turns a blind eye to KJU who has had had over 100 people assassinated and presides over mass guilds investing hundreds of thousands and killing man more every year.
You know he's a smart guy, if he would just talk honestly about what he does instead of the constant bullshit and hypocrisy he might actual win more (okay any) hearts and minds on the left. Assuming of course that he recanted for his rampantly misogyny and racism. But I don't see that happening any day soon.
FTR just so you know where I'm coming from every time I take one of those tests about political leanings I come out firmly as a social libertarian. I've yet to hear from any ardent libertarians who express a live for Trump. He's in bed and in the pockets of way too many of the wing people who are far too anti liberty.
But you have to admire him for being a master manipulator. 10 years ago this just would not have been possible and he picked his time, played his cards and dealt himself a winning hand.
PS. How does the US government pay for anything other than via taxes? Last I checked Trump is following in the tried and tested path of growing the government and his party are letting him get away with it because it meant huge tax breaks for those who least need it. There has never ever been a peer reviewed study that demonstrated "trickle down" works but he is still peddling it like a snake oil salesman. This is why the middle and lower class are seeing their standard of living decline since the late 70s and billionaires are making out like bandits. This is simply not sustainable