As the overton window shifts against the prevailing liberal world view one would expect the social media platforms to adjust.

However they're not adjusting. They're fighting to hard to maintain their liberal progressive bias. What's going on?
In short this IS a conspiracy. These groups are conspiring to suppress grassroots political change because that is one of their functions. Social Media platforms are deep state operations whose purpose, after information collection, is to keep the liberal agenda, which is so useful to the globalists' plans for destroying the civic structure of nation states, as the mainstream option.
Luckily their plan is failing. Because of this we're finding it far more easy to see what they're trying to do. This will make it easier to fight them. And when the time comes, it'll be that much easier to lock up the culprits...
Even Trump's twitter account was "accidentally" deleted. Jack Dorsey is probably loosing sleep every night trying to figure out how to silence Trump.
One game changer happened the other day when a judge determined that Twitter was a "public platform". This means that they will be liable if they continue to censor and shadow ban as they have been doing.
Similar to how the baker had to bake a gay wedding cake; twitter will now have to allow an open platform.
Before that, they wanted to pretend (just like facebook) that they have publishing rights, but on an open platform. In other words, they wanted to claim they were open platform (no liability for content) and publishers (where they would be responsible for every death threat that is published).
This ruling is so much bigger than many realize.
Oh I quite agree. However I think there'll be a fair bit of struggle first until it's implemented. These people are not known for playing by the rules...
That is the number two factor that drew me to Steemit over any of the others. There may eventually be some of that conspiring against us here, but for now, Christians and patriots are free to express their views here far more readily than almost anywhere else on the web I've been.
Yes it's wonderfully freeing to know that, even if you end up flagged, whatever you post on the Steemit blockchain is there forever!
I don't know, the controllers of the Orwell "memory hole" will probably eventually even come up with a way to bleach out even the evidence that rational thought once existed, but for now...
its willful ignorance
In short, you are 100% correct in your assessment that this is a Conspiracy. The latter part of your piece assumes too much in my opinion, in terms of positive thinking about your anticipated outcome in dealing with these people.
Make no mistake about it, this is more of a Kracken than it is a Snake. This is a vicious beast when viewed in totality.
We have written and published on this subject extensively:
With that said, I am going to upvote your post for addressing this VERY important subject.
This is why we are here...Blockchain is a viable single point of failure (or control)...this is the hope...