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RE: 4/17/18 Qanon- The Deep State war rages on

in #qanon7 years ago

Nobody can be completely trusted in every aspect but It helps if you know they are not connected to aristocratic bloodlines. These families have been maintaining their control of the power structure for all of written history and probably longer. Sure they might family feud on occasion but most of their public opposition to each other is a cleaver ruse to give illusion of choice. They do not allow outside blood to sit in the thrown and will do unthinkable diabolical things to ensure others do not. They do their best to try and give their tactics legitimacy in the public eye. After all, the french revolution is still fresh in their minds. The last non royal to have the thrown was President Carter but they just used the family members in congress to cock block and make his presidency ineffective. Then the dems created super delegates to ensure another grassroots non royal would not slip through. Then Bernie Sanders gave them a real scare because with use of internet a grassroots movement far greater then they planned for was about to put a non blue blood in the white house. Of course they held no bars in sabotaging his campaign. Why did they risk losing to Trump when Bernie was poised to defeat him? Because Chump and Hellery are blue blood and the opposition they appear to have is more superficial then a skin rash. Sorry for long rant, just frustrating watching them do their work


the Bernie poised to defeat Trump is fairly well a nonissue, I mean everyone thought Hillary was a sure thing so....she did steal the nomination from Sanders of course but there is no gaurtonee he'd have won and honestly as standards continue to lower and people get more pathetic the idea of the govt taking care of you becomes more appealing....without Bernie offering to give everything he doesn't own away would he get a single vote?