Lawmakers issued a criminal referral to the D.O.J. Attorney General Sessions for former senior-level Obama officials which includes FBI people connected to the FAKED dossier which they used to claim Trump colluded with Putin.
NOTE THE PHOTOS OF THE ACTUAL LETTER SENT TO Director WRAY and also the fact that there were: 17 witnesses on the second page / first paragraph highlighted! (Remember that Q and Trump keeps referring to WRAY and 17 lately? )
Okay, Aside here: [ - Were the 17 CHILD VICTIMS at Parkland in fact, intended as sacrifices for HITLERY's 17 Witnesses?!? Did they use BLACK OPS to carry out the deed and mind control a disturbed boy to be the Fall Guy? Desperate people, these. -]
Here are actual photos of the LETTER sent to WRAY (remembering Q drops)
Here is a link to Sara A. Carter - on the criminal referral on clinton!
Oddly, no actual indictments will happen.
well I don't think the military would have requisitions for almost 500 mil in thousands of new cells (including padded cells) at Guantanamo (13,000) if they weren't planning on using them. You can go to and see the requisitions.