
They took down A suspected 70% off human trafficking was going through it. how is that helping the deep state that runs off of drugs, pedophilia, war, and human trafficking?

This is all getting weird to me - I've never been in this position on Steemit before - I'm not trying to get into an argument with you, but I do strongly disagree about the vote bots, and I think Qanon is a deep state propaganda set up.

Researching some of your followers/commenters, they look like fake accounts to me.

I only unfollowed you because I really don't want to see Qanon posts, but I've been following you since the dark ages and have often enjoyed your posts, so it all sucks.

Is human trafficking for real or just this years distraction from murdering Palestinians?

Come on air sometime. Sunday's 9-11pm. We'll have a civil discussion about these points of contention.