QANON possibly being framed with new Set Up Attempt on Alex Jones

in #qanon5 years ago

 by: Laurie Azgard The latest child pornography set up attempt on Alex Jones of,  shows a deeply disturbing trend of anonymous email senders emailing  child pornography to political activists and alternative media in  attempts to frame them for federal charges. The most disturbing thing about all of this was that somebody had decided to create the username ‘qanon’ at,  and send suspected child porn to Alex Jones using a TOR-based email  service (‘tormail’). The email sender is still anonymous and hasn’t been  identified by the FBI, but the U.S. Attorney had cleared Alex Jones of  wrongdoing. The FBI had stated that Alex Jones is the victim of a nasty  pedophile set up campaign operation. 

 Somebody created [email protected] email address and sent the illegal attachments to Alex Jones. Screenshots were taken during his live radio show broadcast showing  deeply disturbing message in all caps telling Alex that he needs to  “F**K LITTLE GIRLS” and little boys. The language used in this anonymous  email was deeply disturbing. Whoever created this email had decided to  drag QANON’s name through the mud in order to destroy the reputation of  the so-called anonymous group of posters on 4chan who posted about  declassification of government material concerning political corruption,  and also was part of the #SealedIndictments team who reported there is a  rising number of sealed criminal indictments in the federal-level.  Likely it may be corrupt Government officials and treasonous traitors  who may be on the sealed indictment lists. 

 I don’t need to repeat the filthy and disturbing language in this email screen shot, this screen shot speaks for itself. 

 That’s good that such attachments were deleted. However for the FBI  to be investigating the child porn which was emailed to infowars, there  must have been actual child porn that was in such emails. Good thing  Alex never opened those emails otherwise they would have been framed  with receipt and possession charges. Activistpost and steemit  have articles published by researcher Aaron Kesel [even though such  article does have an anti-Alex viewpoint, it still makes valid points  about the framing of activists] about the set up attempt and the  mainstream media already falsely purporting Alex Jones as some kinda of  creepy pedophile. That is criminal-level defamation of character and  slander. The yellow-journalists are already ready to call Alex the  “child porn man” and attack his character in order to ruin his life and  career, simply because they disagree with the various things he covers  on his website. Alex had said on June 21, 2019 show that it was connected with the  so-called qanon group but later said on his show that the perpetrator or  perpetrators” may not be a member of qanon. 

 Coincidentally or not coincidentally, QANON’s last post was May 26, 2019. 

 it says that “Would the FAKE NEWS media (& other controlled  asets) expend this amount of time and resource attacking [attaempt to  discredit – cast as conspiracy – LARP” and “YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST“. They created an earlier post stating that there are those “framing  for crimes”, in other words frame innocent people with crimes to destroy  their character. Character assassination at work. 

QPost – #3310 Threat to Controlled Narrative.
Other than POTUS, can you name a group more attacked than ‘Q’ by the FAKE NEWS media.
Multiple tactics deployed including framing for crimes (think bridge, mob boss, etc etc).
Reconcile using logic.

Was qanon framed with child porn sending by a tormail type account? highly likely Read this other article on We Are Change about the set up attempts against other alternative media and political activists.
WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On Child Pornography Possession