"Harvey just like all the LaRouchians has some good points and historical analysis, but..... I don't trust them in the same way that I don't trust Q, Corsi, or Trump."
You're "On-the-Ball" once again N_& V_.
The "secret" of knowing how to uncover facts & truths is, never, ever, let anything said/stated go unchecked.
Joseph Göebbels said, always tell the truth, just as long as it fits your narrative and leave-out the parts that don't fit your narrative. Or something to that effect, not a direct quote.
In layman's terms, I believe it's still called 'cherry picking' in am. colloquial idiom.
Sean is extremely close to unmasking completely all of the nwo members.
However, He's too good-natured to call out those that make-a-living as truthers and speak ½-truths.
TRUST is to be EARNED! Continually. Not carte blanche ad infinitum.
95% facts/truth and 5% non/false/incorrect facts/truths shall always awake one's alarm.
Adam Green a few days ago was extremely adept at calling it.
Wasn't he N_& V_?
Thanks for your input.
Sean, if YOU just so happen to read these comments, please take heed. We're only trying to help.
Trust? Alot of people use it like any other 4-letter word.
Trust But Verify is my best advice.
Thanks a lot X-. Yes, I really appreciated the candor of Adam Green as well as one of Adam's recent interviewees, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, that Sean also posted the interview of on "The Phaser." These guys are very willing to call out Trump, Q, and Corsi on their personal pasts, their very disturbing close associations, and their BS rhetoric. This is what we should all be doing rather than cheerleading for them like some de facto heroes that have already saved the world from Armageddon.
I am willing to be proven wrong / pleasantly surprised, but actions speak much louder than "Q-Tips." When Trump bombs Syria twice, and then Q intimates that we are actually trying to get to Iran, and all of this after the archetypal Neo-con, John Bolton, has been appointed National Security Advisor, I have to ask, "What is anybody still cheerleading Trump for?" All I see and hear is "trust the plan" and a bunch of Q "decipher this" games while Trump goes unhinged and starts planning what appears to be WW3.
And yes, of course I want the satantic pedos given some real justice, but this all feels like "a Q carrot" for carte blanche with Trump on anything he does at this point as "just part of the secret Q plan" to get all the other evil bastards. Sadly, what it feels even more like at this point is Trump gaslighting all the freedom-loving patriots that put their faith in him. I therefore feel the real need to call bullsh*t on what now appears to be a very sophisticated Q psy-op narrative.
The Adam Green & Jeremy Rothe-Kushel interview can be found HERE:
JRK is a refreshing voice from the american diaspora. I liked the way he took on Hank Paulson and then 'informed' the Secret Service agents afterwards.
I actually listened to all 6 of Adam Green's latest interviews found HERE:
As Max Igan just took up, "Q" ....
HERE also at 40:48 on STEEMIT-
I'm inclined to agree with you 2, N_& V_ and Max Igan.
"Talk is Cheap. Actions Speak Louder than Words".
With that, enough said.
Thanks again N--.
X- https://steemit.com/life/@maxigan/the-prison-you-live-in-and-how-you-hold-the-key-to-escape-it
Great call out X-. Max is absolutely spot on. There are so many things that Trump could be calling out, but he simply doesn't. In fact, Trump has barely done any of this since before the election. This inaction speaks far louder than any pre-election words.
You may find this video interesting as well: