Human sacrifice in religious context can even be found in the Bible (although God stopped Abe from going through with it). I imagine this is indicative that human sacrifice occurred even before Abe, but ended, or at least God made it be known that he was now against it with the story of Abe and Isaac.
Unfortunately in today's modern world, humans are sacrificed in other ways such as through war and even corporate greed. So heads might not be landing in guillotine baskets, but today millions suffer and are sacrificed due to the greater tyranny of greed for money and lust of power.
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things have been trending in the right direction
This is a great stat, and shows that War is not a major cause for global suffering, but there are other issues such as starvation and humanitarian need.
This is probably the greatest time in history.
A lot of billionaires are doing just that but mostly the remaining starvation is due to communism, political unrest and war keeping outside organizations from preventing starvation. American billionaires can't really help those who starve in N Korea for example.
Or maybe they can.