안녕하세요 @starheatmatch 입니다.
아직도 퀀텀을 스캠으로 여기시는 분들이 많아
~~~ embed:Qtum/comments/6zs8t0/official_qtum_ama_thread_starts_at_10pm_beijing/ <-원문링크 reddit metadata:fFF0dW18aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1F0dW0vY29tbWVudHMvNnpzOHQwL29mZmljaWFsX3F0dW1fYW1hX3RocmVhZF9zdGFydHNfYXRfMTBwbV9iZWlqaW5nLyA8LeybkOusuOunge2BrHw= ~~~
원문 그대로 패트릭의 해명을 가져왔습니다.
at 2014, i was still in Alibaba and same time
prepare my PHD degree in CAS, it was a mess
with bitbay, at the beginning, i was like an
investor, i helped on raise the money and
marketing in china, then since all the people in
bitbay not even ever become a team, all people
know each other for like 2-3 weeks, then came
out the bitbay project, i trusted all the people
i met online, but things turn out to be a mess
and out of control, i still tried my best to keep
some fund for zimbeck (even it's small at that
time, like 90BTC), and zimbeck was the only
developer for bitbay, he burden a lot of all the
pressure for sure, and he argued a lot with
another 2 people, same time, i did not have
enough time for this project because of doctoral
dissertation and job in Alibaba, so i decide to
leave the project. then until 2017, 3 years past,
no one talked the project any more, and i talked
to zimbeck fews times in the last 2 years, he is
like a friend (because he knew i helped him),
then before the Qtum ico, all FUDs came out ,
start calling me a scammer or accuse me
changed my name (i used steven as a alias or
nick name on bitcointalk, and i never changed
my name since my only name is Chinese name,
even today some old friends on bitcointalk still
call me Steven) , i am not blaming anyone for
this things, i learnt my lesson and it's life. things
will always happen. some times it make me
know myself better and make Qtum project
better after these FUDs. so i am ok with anyone
saying anything on myself., you can not win the
argue with people since everyone has his own
feeling and stand. so sometimes the wisdom
people choose keep silent. also i witnessed
hundreds of Blockchain project in the last 5
years, we will try our best to make Qtum be the
best Blockchain platform and we are confident
on this and it's happening now, also give Qtum
some times, we are not officially released yet,
it's almost 1 billions market, i hope in next 4
years , we are together to write the Blockchain
history. (we will), thank for the people who
supported us and understood us! ㅣ
제가 자의적인 해석을 한다고 여기는 분들이
계셔서 원문으로 남깁니다.
저번 포스팅에서 밝혔듯이 이 해명은 AMA에서
이루어졌고 질문자들을 만족시켰으며
반박기사가 전혀 나오지 않았습니다.
힘든 시기를 보냈을 패트릭에게 위로의짤을
올리며 포스팅 마무리합니다!
스티밋 내의 큐텀 홍보대사가 여기 계셨군요 ㅠㅠ 미약하지만 큐텀 홀더입니다.. ㅠㅠ 큐텀 윤비 때 가격대라도 돌아왔으면 좋겠네요 ㅠㅠ
저는 3500원대 가격도 겪어서 이정도는 아무렇지도 않네요 ㅋㅋ